Sunday, September 30, 2007

Perceptions Affected by Past Experiences

For those of you who posted, your grade has been given, and I will give that to you at school. The posting for the previous question is now over. Thank you for your very interesting observations. I enjoyed reading them all.

Now for the next...

One thing that we have learned from lecture is that much of our perceptions are affected by past experiences. For example, songs or music often trigger feelings or memories from the past. Scents/smells also strongly remind us of past events or people. Think of a smell or song/music that reminds you of the past and discuss it.

For me, one of the strongest reminders of my past is my mom's perfume. Whenever I smell Clinique Happy, I am always reminded of my mother. Some days, if I am already in a sad mood, it may even bring tears to my eyes, but most of the time, I just remember how she smelled and smile at her memory.