Friday, October 26, 2007


Your blog assignment is to apply the learning principles to your own life. Using the information you know about classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning, give one example of each type of learning that has occurred to you in your life.

Here's the can't use anything that another student has already posted. So anything that is on a previous post is off-limits.

With classical, define your UCS, UCR, NS, CS, and CR.

With operant, define which type of reinforcement or punishment it was.

Here are mine:

1) Classical conditioning: When I was young, I was in the car on a hot day, and my parents had gone through a drive-thru at KFC. We were riding back to our apartment, and I easily get car sickness, but that day especially, it was miserable. I got stuck holding the bucket of fried chicken, and as soon as I got home, I got out of the car and ran up to our apartment, but I threw up before I could get inside. From then on, even the smell of fried chicken makes me feel a bit queasy. [UCS--hot car ride and my motion sickness problems, UCR--throwing up, NS--Bucket of fried chicken, the smell, eeewww, CS--the smell of fried chicken, CR--feeling queasy, not quite throwing up, though]

2) Operant conditioning: Whenever Troy doesn't get a green dot (daily), that means that he had some kind of behavioral issue. The two days that he received a blue dot (two days in a row), he was not allowed to watch cartoons, play games, or play outside with his friends. After that, he has not brought home anything but green dots. [Negative punishment]

3) Observational learning/Modeling: Troy says "whatever" whenever he knows he isn't winning an argument...bad mommy! :-)