Sunday, September 30, 2007

Perceptions Affected by Past Experiences

For those of you who posted, your grade has been given, and I will give that to you at school. The posting for the previous question is now over. Thank you for your very interesting observations. I enjoyed reading them all.

Now for the next...

One thing that we have learned from lecture is that much of our perceptions are affected by past experiences. For example, songs or music often trigger feelings or memories from the past. Scents/smells also strongly remind us of past events or people. Think of a smell or song/music that reminds you of the past and discuss it.

For me, one of the strongest reminders of my past is my mom's perfume. Whenever I smell Clinique Happy, I am always reminded of my mother. Some days, if I am already in a sad mood, it may even bring tears to my eyes, but most of the time, I just remember how she smelled and smile at her memory.


aneal972 said...

When i was about 10-13 i used to always go to Sky Ranch for camp over the summer. One thing i always remember is that smell of the cafeteria. They used a certain kind of cleaner that smelt really bad and made me lose my Appetite. Now when i sense the smell of that kind of cleaner somewhere it always reminds me of the Sky Ranch Cafeteria

Unknown said...

When I was 13, just about every weekend i would go to Stephanie's house with all my friends. After dinner we would blast the music and dance like crazy. Well, they would always play the song "Crazy in Love" by Beyonce and then get in a big circle to watch each other dance. I would try and copy the way Beyonce would dance at the end of the music video. The term is dance term is called "the uh-oh" and i would do it all crazy. It was like a big joke between all my friends. And we would all laugh and get a huge kick out of it every time. When i hear that song i think of that time with my friends and how i tried v. badly to imitate the beyounce booty dance.

KelseyM said...

When my parents were separated briefly when I was five, my mom and I lived in an apartment in Dallas, and I used some peach shampoo, so now every time I smell something that resembles that shampoo, I am instantly 5 and back in that apartment again.

AshleyC said...

At the end of sixth grade, when I lived in Arizona, Avril Lavigne's song "Complicated" came out. I remember singing to that song in the car and in my room as it blared on Radio Disney. Now, every time I hear that song I remember my life when I was eleven and when I used to listen to Radio Disney :).

SaraD said...

Alright, so I suppose I was in 8th or 9th grade (I can't really remember) and my rec soccer team was in a tournament. We had some time in between games so my family and I went to eat. I was in the back of my van reading a book on Alan Webb with a pillow on my lap. While doing this I proceeded to listen to Keane. For some reason I was able to tune out the music as I read, but I guess it still got through into my head because now every time I hear Keane I think of both the tournament and Alan Webb.

abby p said...

When I was in the eighth grade I had a boyfriend who went to a different middle school. He was kind of cheesy and told me that this one song, Calling You by Blue October, was "our" song. But as cheesy as it was, I still think of him anytime I hear that song.

killiank said...

When i was a little kid i lived by the beach in florida and obviously you could smell he saltwater and sand anytime u were near it, so whenever i smell saltwater or a sandy smell i remember when i used to live in florida.

Taylor A said...

When I was 9 I got a guinea pig for Christmas. I was really excited but since I didn't take very good care of him my parents took him back to the pet store. Now every time I smell woodchips it reminds me of Dudley.

DillonK said...

When I was 7 or 8 years old, i would always visit my grandparnets house. They own a farm and they have a lot of animals. They would always let me help them feed their animals and the scent of the food is what takes me back. The food that my grandparents serve the animals is shaped in a grain-capsule and gives off a scent that i particularly enjoy. Whenever I smell that scent, or anything similar to it, it reminds me of my grandparents.

codyw said...

Back in like 5th grade, when my family was moving to Prosper the song "where to green grass grows" by Tim McGraw had just come out and would always play when we were moving into our house. So now, every time I hear that song it reminds me of moving to Prosper and our new house.

Anonymous said...

During this past Winter I made a new friend who I've grown apart from now, but one of the first times we hung out they asked me to listen to Nine Crimes by Damien Rice. They later made me a CD with that song on there and every time I listen to it I'm reminded of that little hole in the wall record store and the person who placed those headphones on my ears.

AndrewM said...

Last summer I went to Camp Destin which is a Church Camp that is in Destin Florida. While we were there we did this late night worship on the beach. So now evertime I go to youth or just hear worship songs in general it reminds me of that night.

Anonymous said...

About when I was around the age of 6, my mom, like most moms back then, would sing "you are my sunshine" to me. Not only that, but you would press her fingers against mine, adn do what seemed was a "finger dance". This was back when my parents were still together. For me, wehnever i hear that song, it reminds me of a happier time. When i didn't know...anything! I didn't know how bad things could get wehn your parents "split". So now whenever i hear "you are my sunshine" not only does this memory re-infest itself into my mind, i can almost feel my moms fingers pressing against mine, as if she were saying, "it's alright".

kristina said...

When I was little, I used to always go to my grandmas house, especially when i was really sick and my mom didnt want my sister getting sick too. My grandma used to always use mothballs in her linen closet, and when i was sick i would go into the closet and get a bunch of blankets. So whenever i smell mothballs, i think of going to her house.

LaurenS said...

Since as long as i can remember, I have associated songs with the people that I care about most based on what song I heard with them. For instance,my mom loves the rolling stones, the song "some girls," in particular. So if I hear someone say something about the rolling stones or if I happen to hear that song, I think of my mom.

Anonymous said...

When I was a freshman, I used to watch the show 'Smallville' after field hockey practices. One night, during the theme song, my brother cut his finger and had to go to the emergency room, which resulted in the rest of the family eating pizza for dinner. So everytime I hear "Somebody Save Me" by Remy Zero I remember sitting in my family room, eating pizza, in my field hockey uniform... which, I guess, is a pretty random memory.

sarah p said...
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sarah p said...

Last year at my grandfather's funeral the church choir played "On Eagles Wings,” one of my favorite, and now most meaningful songs. Now every time I hear this, I start to think of my grandfather and all of the happy moments we shared.

ashmitch said...

Sophmore year was the very best year of my entire life so far. I had so much fun with my friends while we enjoyed our care-free lives. Among many others, one song that will always remind me of my sophmore year in high school is "Catch My Disease" by Ben Lee.

jeffS said...

Every time I smell a cigarette, I think of my great-grandfather. When I was little, I went to his house once in a while, and it always smelled like tobacco. He wasn't the typical chain-smoking type, but rather the kind of person who used a pipe and made smoking look classy. He wasn't extremely wealthy, but he did always have a taste for the finer things in life. Now, whenever I smell burning tobacco, I don't think of the dangerous, addictive habit that many others do. Instead, I imagine a sense of class, style, and pride.

stephanie anzualda said...

Ever since i have been with my boyfriend he has always put on the same cologne which is curve. And now i have gotten used to that smell so now when someone passes by me and they had it on it reminds me of him. so when i smell the cologne i always think of him.

Ari said...

The smell of apple and cinnamon combined(like the scent of candles)remind me of Christmas in Mexico, because for some reason everytime I smell this soothing scent I think of my family back in Mexico and all the stuff that we do in Christmas,I can almost feel the low temperature outside but at the same time I feel that warm feeling of home.

kellenl said...

Well there is this song by fall out boy which always takes me back two summers ago (no it is not sugar, we're going down). it reminds me of friends who have graduated and have gone on in their lives and it just reminds me of the emotional experiences of that summer.

AnnaP said...

Ok so whenever i did gymnastics i love the bars and i used to put so much chalk on my hands so my skin wouldnt rip. So now anytime i see or smell any kind of chalk i always remember how much i loved gymnastics and i sometimes wish i still did it!

tgilton said...

When i was 12 i used to play a vidoe game (whose name i cannot remember) and listen to classical guitar music. When i hear classical guitar music of that same style, i can remember the video game i played, sometimes in great detail. i also have found similar experiences with people. I used to listen to jazz a lot with a group of musician friends. every time i hear similar jazz, i remember hanging out with those guys.

AshtonA. said...

Everytime I hear this song it brings back strong feelings.The song is "Down" by Blink 182.It always reminds me of the summer going into my freshmen year.That was a good time in my life.Makes me realize how fast high school has gone.

AshtonA. said...

Every time I hear this song it brings back strong feelings. The song is "Down" by Blink 182.It was the summer going into my freshmen year.It makes me realize how fast time has gone.

Unknown said...

My freshman year, my brother would drive me to school, and we would always listen to the same song every morning. So, every time I hear that song it brings back memories of my brother.

DevinO said...

Everytime i smell vanilla it reminds me of my mother. Although she doesnt wear it anymore, she used to wear this vanilla perfume that smelled really good. now everytime i smell vanilla it reminds me of my mom.

KarleyA said...

Last year when Rascal Flatts came out with their new cd my mom got it for my sister and we became familiar with all of the songs. Whenever "My Wish" cam out, I realized that it reminded me so much of Kyndal (my sister). There were a lot of nights when I would lie in bed lip-synching along to that song and thinking about how much she means to me. It kind of made up for our fights, I think! Anyway, anytime I hear that song I think about her and how much I love her and want her to have a good future.

LosingIt! said...

Over the summer whenever my friend and I were driving somewhere we would always blast Paramore on my car radio, and it was always one song. We never changed it. Whenever I hear this song I think about the times we drove to the mall listening to that one song.

Jwilliams said...

Roses usually indicate some form of romance or love, with its scent of romantic happiness that everyone knows. Well, i wish i could say the same. When i was about 10 or 11, i was at my grandparents house running around outside playing football with my cousins. I wasnt feeling too good, and the next thing you knew, i was throwing up in my grandma's rosebush. Sad as it is, roses will probably always remind me of that moment in life.

Unknown said...

On a trip to ireland i had bought a nitted sweater in a small shop in blarney. Well, the air in ireland has a fresh dew smell to it and the sweater still reains the same smell. Each time i take it out i feel comforted by the calming scents.

Thalia said...

The strongest smell that reminds of the past is coffee. Before my Grandpa died, his favorite drink was coffee and he would always smell like it too. So everytime I smell coffee it reminds of my grandpa and all the good times we spent togther whenever I went to visit him in Mexico.

LeslieF said...

My Dad has the same cologne as my Grandpa and he even looks like a younger version of him so when i smell the cologne my dad has i always think of my Grandpa i make fun of my dad for it all the time

daniel s said...

i used to go to the state fair every when i smell fried food, i think of the state fair

EfrainF said...

When I was Like 12 or 13 I had this friend named Dalila,she was like 16 or 17 I think, that went to my church. She was a little crazy but she was the one that first made me listen to SPM (South Park Mexican). So now whenever I hear Medicine by SPM I remember my old friend from Irving and how we would just chill after church in the parking lot listening to SPM on her CD Player.

Bea said...

About a year ago my friend Kristain and I we driving somewhere and she was upset about some thing but then this song called. Down and it is a Latin song and we started to laugh because we thought it was funny and ever time I hear this song it reminds me of how close we used to be and how I miss talking to her.

sarahf said...

When i was in the 5th grade my family and i went to Finland to visit my relatives over there, and at my grandmas house all that we could really watch that i liked was like european mtv. And i saw the band Offspring's song called "Pretty Fly for A White Guy" video for the first time. so now everytime i hear that song i think of being back in Finland.