Friday, October 26, 2007


Your blog assignment is to apply the learning principles to your own life. Using the information you know about classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning, give one example of each type of learning that has occurred to you in your life.

Here's the can't use anything that another student has already posted. So anything that is on a previous post is off-limits.

With classical, define your UCS, UCR, NS, CS, and CR.

With operant, define which type of reinforcement or punishment it was.

Here are mine:

1) Classical conditioning: When I was young, I was in the car on a hot day, and my parents had gone through a drive-thru at KFC. We were riding back to our apartment, and I easily get car sickness, but that day especially, it was miserable. I got stuck holding the bucket of fried chicken, and as soon as I got home, I got out of the car and ran up to our apartment, but I threw up before I could get inside. From then on, even the smell of fried chicken makes me feel a bit queasy. [UCS--hot car ride and my motion sickness problems, UCR--throwing up, NS--Bucket of fried chicken, the smell, eeewww, CS--the smell of fried chicken, CR--feeling queasy, not quite throwing up, though]

2) Operant conditioning: Whenever Troy doesn't get a green dot (daily), that means that he had some kind of behavioral issue. The two days that he received a blue dot (two days in a row), he was not allowed to watch cartoons, play games, or play outside with his friends. After that, he has not brought home anything but green dots. [Negative punishment]

3) Observational learning/Modeling: Troy says "whatever" whenever he knows he isn't winning an argument...bad mommy! :-)


tgilton said...

1) Classical conditioning. throughout my life, i have met quite a few people named Nick most of whom were arrogant and degrading. So now when i meet someone named Nick, i unconciously assume he will be very mean. The NS and CS are the name Nick. The CR and UCR are my reaction of disdain for people with that name. The UCS would be the predicates of arrogant and degrading which originally caused my dislike for Nicks.

2) Observational learning.
i have watched my dad drive since i was little and have always been amused by his "conversations" with other drivers. low and behold, now that i am driving, i have appropriated teh annoying habbit of talking to other cars.

3) opperant conditioning.
Our family has dinner parties quite often and as a result, we accumulate quite a load of dishes. by doing dishes of my own accord, i recieve praise and recognition from my parents. this is an example of positive reinforcement. the praise causes me to do an action (dishes without being told) more often

Taylor A said...

1) Classical conditioning: When I was about 7, my sister and I used to eat turkey and mustard sandwhiches every day for lunch. One day, Paige dared me to eat it without the turkey and it was so disgusting I almost threw up. Now, I can't eat mustard on my sandwhiches and anything else that could possible sink into the bread has to go betweent he slices of turkey. (The UCS is the mustard sandwhich. The UCR and CR are feeling sick. The NS and the CS are mustard or other condiments touching the bread.)

2)Observational learning: Whenever my mom gets upset she always puts her hands on her hips. Now everytime I get upset, I do the same thing withough even thinking about it.

3)Opperant Conditioning: When I was trying to train my puppy (Ralph) not to go to the bathroom in the house, I used to put him in his playpen in time out as a punishment for going in the house. Ralph hated sitting in there by himself so it caused him to go to the bathroom inside less often. This is an example of positive punishment because by giving him time out, he had less accidents.

Unknown said...

Classical conditioning:
when i was younger i would go to my friends house and we would jump on her trampoline and do flips. One day when i was doing a flip I tucked my knees in to close and they knocked with my teeth. It hurt really bad and know i am scared to do flips on a trampoline . The NS and CS are the flips on the trmpoline. The CR & the UCR is being scared to do flips and the UCS is thinking i will get hurt again.

Observational Learning:
My parents are v. impatient and have a bad temper if things don't get done a certain way. I swore up & down that i wouldn't be like that, but i find myself getting upset when my brother or sister don't do things a certain way.

Opperant Conditioning:
I made a deal with my parents that i get $10 for every A & $5 for every B.However, if i get a C i don't get any $.AT ALL. So, in order to get the dinero i bring home only A's & B's.

Unknown said...

the opperant conditing is positive reinforcement

DillonK said...

1) Classical Conditioning

When I was 8 years old, I was riding my bike and I stopped for a few minutes to catch my breath. Out of nowhere, a wasp/muddobber (idk which one it was) just lands on my elbow and stings the crap out of me. I ran home screaming and with a pretty big bite on my elbow. Now, whenever I see wasps, bees, or any flying bug that stings, I tend to run away, thinking I am gonna get stung again. The NS and CS are the wasp/muddobber. The UCS is the stinging. The UCR and CR are the fear of being stung.

2) Observational Learning

Whenever my mom is at the computer, she tends to put one leg up on the chair. Watching her do that made me start doing that without my intention.

3)Opperant Conditioning

When I was 10 years old, my parents started to enforce the rule that if you fought in any fashion, you will be grounded from video games for a week. Video games were my life when I was 10 and after getting into a fight with my brother, I was grounded from games for a week. That week wan't very fun... So now I get into less fights and am allowed to play video games. This is an example of positive punishment because by taking away video games, I got into less fights.

KelseyM said...

1. Classical Conditioning: When I was nine my half brother and his wife came down to visit and every time I did something wrong or would do near something I wasn’t supposed to she would always be like “honey don’t touch that” or “honey put that down” and it was always in such a condescending tone. So now every time someone says honey…..I feel age nine and worthless again and get really agitated. The UCS was my brother’s wife talking down to me in everything that I did, the UCR is me feeling like a baby and incapable of doing things. The NS was the term “honey” and the CS is the word “honey” and the CR is feeling as if the person thinks I am in capable of doing a job

2. Operant Condtioning: Now that I am getting closer to graduate my mom is having me apply for lots of scholarships however…I don’t have time and when I do I never do them. So she nags and nags and nags me until I do them. Negative Reinforcement

3. Observational Learning: When I was babysitting…I accidentally said the word “crappy” so for the rest of the night the kid I was babysitting used “crappy” as an adjective for something bad

KelseyM said...

"This is an example of positive punishment because by taking away video games, I got into less fights."

Wouldn't that be negative punishment instead?

AshtonA. said...

Classical Conditioning:
When I was young my dad and I went to the Texas Rangers game. I was pretty hungry so I said “hey pops, I want something to eat” so he bought me a hotdog. So know every time I go to a baseball game I have to get a plump, juicy ball park frank. UCS hungry UCR eating the hotdog NS watching baseball CS watching baseball CR craving hotdog

Operant Conditioning:
When I was a young child I used to bite my nails a lot so one day, my step mom took my nails and dipped them in Tabasco sauce so that every time I tried to bite my nails it would burn my mouth. This is Negative Punishment because she wanted to decrease my behavior so she took the joy of biting my nails away and replaced it with pain

Way back when……my mom used to snap her fingers every time she scolded me. I quickly picked it up and began to snap my fingers back at her.

AshleyC said...

1) Classical Conditioning: When I was nine years old, I used to have tea parties with my grandma every once in awhile. Well, one day my grandma must have made a particularly good batch of tea because i drank eight cups. Obviously, I threw up everywhere. Now everytime I drink or smell tea I get a little sick thinking about drinking too much. The NS and CS are the tea. The CR and UCR is throwing up from the tea. The UCS would be my feeling of sickness towards tea.
2) Observational Learning: Ever since I was young, any time my mom made a mistake or someone got mad at her she would make this face of apology. Now, when someone gets mad at me or I do something wrong, I make that same face.
3) Operant Conditioning: My sophmore year I got into a habit of calling my parents "rude" when they made me mad. So my parents finally got fed up with it and told me that they would push my curfew earlier and earlier every time I said they were rude. Lets just say I stopped saying that pretty fast :) This is Negative Reinforcement because I was punished when I referred to my parents as "rude".

Unknown said...

1) Classical conditioning: When I was 8 years old I was trying to learn how to dive off of a diving board and one time when I tried I did a really bad back flop and it was really painful. Now, when I try to do a dive, I always feel aprehensive and usually decide no to dive. [UCS- doing a back flop, UCR- feeling pain after the back flop, NS- preparing to dive, CS- preparing to dive, CR- feeling aprehensive before I attempt to dive]

2)Operant conditioning: When I was in second grade my teacher used to give us little tickets every time we answered a question right during class. Once we had accumulated 10 tickets we were then allowed to pick a prize from the treasure box. I always tried my hardest to answer questions right because I liked getting prizes. [Positive reinforcement]

3)Observational learning: When I was younger my dad used to wear his hair in a comb over so that's what hair style I wanted to have and I made my mom help me get it just like my dad's. After a while my dad changed his hair style and I eventually chose to change mine too although this time I didn't copy my dad.

KarleyA said...

Classical Conditioning - When my dog Glory was learning how to sit, lay down, etc. in her dog classes, they showed us how to get her to do the trick by showing her she would get a treat. Whenever Glory wants a treat, or whenever we want her to do a trick (sit down, etc.) we tell her what to do and show her a treat. UCR/CR - trick NS/CS - telling her what to do
UCS - getting rewarded

Observational learning - when my mom talks to different people (business, friends, us - kids), her voice changes according to who she's talking to. For example, most of our family lives in Van Alstyne, where she's from, and whenever she talks to them or someone who lives there she starts talking like them (with a country accent). Because of this I talk differently according to who I'm talking to (yes, sometimes I accidentaly get a country accent). The one time this NEVER happens is when I'm talking to my sister and my mom, because I'm always completely myself when I'm with them.

Operant Conditioning - Whenever someone tells me that they like a song I wrote, I feel really good and start writing more songs. This is positive reinforcement (giving something causes it to happen more often)

SaraD said...

1.Classical Conditioning-My car has a radar detector in it. Every time a policeman radars my car to check if I'm speeding a sound goes off at a certain pitch depending on the nearness of the police radar in order to warn me to slow down. Now, every time the radar goes off, no matter how loud, my foot immediately goes to the brake peddle to slow down. The UCS is the police car and the UCR is to slow down. The NS and the CS are both the sound emitted from my detector and the CR is to slow down.

2.Observational Learning-Sophomore year I had a lot of classes with Sarah Forsberg; thus we talked a lot. Every time I corrected her on an answer that she had wrong on some sort of school work she would say "Oh, kidding" and then laugh. After a few weeks of this, I realized that I had started to say the same thing at the same situations.

3.Opperant Conditioning-When I was a freshman, my parents made a deal with me stating that whenever I broke a school record in any running event they would pay me a certain amount of money; thus, I worked (and still do work) harder in order to keep improving my times and break the school record. (Positive Reinforcement)

thalia123 said...

Classical Conditioning:When i was 10 yrs old I was at a shop and i bent down to pet a black cat, but the cat jumped up and bite me. It hurt so bad, I screamed, backed away, and got scared. UCS- bite from the cat, UCR- screaming, backing away, and getting scared, NS and CS- petting the cat, CR- backing away, screaming, and getting scared

Observational learning- When i was young my parents would have conversations with me in spanish and English. So as i got older i have the tendency to speak to a person in english and spanish, wihtout knowing it.

Opperant Conditioning-
When I was much younger my dad would let me drive his car if i did all of my chores for the week. So i did my chores every week becuase i wanted to drive the car. This is an example of postive reinforcement because he gave me something good in order to do something else.

Mandi said...

Classical Conditioning
I am really scared of needles!! I am not exactly sure where the phobia came from, but I can only guess I went to the doctor as a child, received a shot, it hurt a lot, and I have just been nervous at the sight of needles ever since. Now when I go to the doctor to get a shot or if I even seen a needle on TV I get really tense and nervous. The UCS would be the shot, the UCR and the CR would be tenseness and nervousness, and the CS/NS would be the sight of the needle.

Operant Conditioning
When I first got my license, my parents made me call every time I got to my destination. I forgot to call one time and the got so mad that I had to wash every single window in the house inside and out. I had to even wash every window of every car in our driveway. (We were having a family party at the time so there were 5 or 6 cars) It was horrible!! By making me wash windows, my parents gave me chores and therefore Positively Punished me.

Observant Learning
My mother really does not cook that much, and when she does it is usually comes from packages. Her unenthusiastic view on cooking has rubbed off on me and I therefore do not like to cook anything that does not come in a microwavable package.

sarah p said...

1) Classical Conditioning: When I was about eight years old, a dog attacked me. I was very scared, and ran away. Now every time I see a dog I become nervous, and try to keep a safe distance. [The UCS is the attack from the dog. The UR is becoming scared, and running away. The CS is all dogs, and the CR is becoming nervous, and trying to keep a safe distance from the dogs.]

2) Operant conditioning: I’ve never really had a problem with tardiness, but this year now that I drive myself to school it’s been especially difficult. A couple of weeks ago it was particularly foggy so I drove rather slowly to school. Apparently, I drove a little too slow because I was late. I got swept and had to go to detention for the first time ever. I now always leave plenty of time in case of weather or traffic delays, and I haven’t been swept since.
[Negative Punishment]

3) Observational Learning: Last week I hung out with Jordan Loving allot, and she continuously used the phrase “I’m not gunna lie.” As a result, I now use that phrase without even thinking about.

Anonymous said...

Classical Conditioning:

If i happen to be doing something i'm not supposed to such as watching TV when i'm grounded or something like that i listen for a garage door to warn me that i need to hurry and stop what i'm doing to keep myself out of trouble.

I've become accustomed to my parents coming inside soon after garage door opens. When i hear that thing open, i start running around the house pretty spasticly, turning everything off. If i don't hear my dogs barking (which is actually another conditioned stimulus), i just stay sitting there, doing nothing for i fear that they may be inside without me knowing.

UCS - My parents coming home
UCR - Turning everything bad off
NS - Garage Door
CS - Garage Door
CR - Turning everything bad off

Opperant conditioning:
Sometimes after i enjoy some nice energy drink, i start shaking, i become weary, or my heart begins to flutter.

I, because of these effects, have become somewhat cautious before i drink one. (But, sadly, i think the caffiene keeps me coming back for more. :[ )

This is positive punishment.

Observational Learning:
I recently started working at Wal Mart... The fastest and easiest way to get into the flow of things is to observe someone else. By paying careful attention to a trained cashiers actions, becoming good at the job yourself comes pretty quickly.

kristina said...

1. Classical conditioning.
When I first learned how to drive, I was driving down gravel roads on a back road..and I didnt realize that going faster would make me spin..and it did and I pretty much almost peed in my pants. Now every time my wheels spin out lke on a dirt road I freak out. The NS and CS are dirt/gravel roads. The CR and UCR was me freaking out. The UCS would be my car spinning/sliding.

2. Observational Learning.
My friend is deathly scared of getting her belly button poked, and everytime she sees a finger coming towards her stomach..she automatically jumps back. Now every time I see a finger coming at me...I jump back.

3. Operate conditioning.
Every time I go out with my friends, I have to be home at a certain time..but if i come home on time for a week straight, my mom will add time to my curfew. This is positive reinforcement.

Unknown said...

Classical Conditioning- Whenever I am sick, my mom fixes me white buttered rice and sprite. Now, I never want to have those because it makes me feel sick, even though I'm really not.
UCS- Being sick
CS- Sprite and Rice
UCR-feeling(not actually being)sick
CR- not wanting rice and sprite
NS- White buttered rice and sprite

Operant Conditioning- Each weekend night that I go out, my parents give me a curfew depending on where I go and who I'm with. One time I broke curfew and my parents wouldn't let me go out the next night. This is negative punishment because they took away my priviledge, so that I would learn not to be late again.

Observational Learning- Whenever my mom talks on the phone and something is not really funny, she gives a fake laugh (which I hate) but now I find myself giving fake laughs also.

Jwilliams said...

1) classical conditioning: throughout my childhood my mom had always made me chicken noodle soup and always got sprite for me to drink when i was sick, espically if my stomach was bothering me. There for, whenever i would throw up, there was only two things i would throw up. (details probably not needed, you got the picture)Now whenever i see, smell or think of chicken noodle soup and sprite, i begin to feel quesy and want to throw up.

UCS- being sick
UCR- throwing up
NS,CS- chicken noodle soup and sprite
CR- feeling quesy and wanting to throw up.

2)operant conditioning: luckily i havent had a hard time with school work i usualy am able to do work without a problem. its just whether or not i feel like doing it. but my sister has dyslexia and sometimes has trouble with school work, and my parents are continously bus. So they encourage me to help her with homework, and in return i recieve a more satisfying allowance. I now try to help my sister any chance i get. (this is positive reinforcement)

3)whenever i was in preschool, and i was doing something wrong or just flat out misbehaving, the teacher would usually say "no sir!" in disapproval, also while enforcing manners in saying "mam" and "sir". Well eventually whenever the teacher would do something that i didnt like or take some kind of fun away from me i started saying "no mam!" to her in disapproval.

Anonymous said...

1) C.C.
Around the time I was seven I had a friend stay the night and we dressed up and pretended to dance in my living room. While I was spinning around I tripped on my dress and hit my face on the brick fireplace, splitting the area under my eye open. Now when I see others spinning around or I myself do (a rare occurrence really haha) I get nervous, even if they or I am in an open area.
The UCS was the thought of falling with the UCR being nervousness. The CS is spinning and the CR is still nervousness.

2) O.C.
My sister has band practice on Monday afternoons and therefore must be fed before going back up to the school. My parents usually aren't home till late so I'll take her out and use my debit card to buy her dinner. When my parents find out that I do this they pay me at least twice what I spent. This is positive reinforcement, giving me money to repeat the action.

When my sister was born I was about four years old and was anxious to hold her instead of my baby dolls. I watched how my parents held her and once when she was lying down on the carpet playing I picked her up and did the same...scaring my parents of course but my technique was flawless :)

DevinO said...

1) Classical conditioning: About 5 years ago i was in a really bad horseback riding accident while riding on a trail, I was really afraid and upset. Now i dont like to ride on trails and when i do i become very nervous, upset and afraid. UCS-Riding accident on trail UCR-Being afraid and upset NS and CS- is being on trails CR-Becoming upset and afraid

2)Observational learning:
Whenever my mom is angry or frustrated she moves her hands alot while she is talking. Now whenever i get mad i move my hands while i talk.

3)Opperant conditioning
Whenever i save my money instead of spending it and put it into my savings account, my parents double what i put in. this is positive reinforcement because i am more likely to save my money than spend it.

Anonymous said...

Classical Conditioning: Last week, while playing tennis, I got hit in the face with a ball while my friend was serving. The past few practices, everytime my friend starts to serve I become a little nervous and wince when the ball comes close to me. The NS and CS are my friend serving the tennis ball. The CR and UCR would be wincing and becoming nervous. The UCS would be the ball coming towards me.

Observational Learning: When I was younger, I used to see my mom always play with her necklace, or fix it when the latch was in the front. Now, everytime I wear a necklace, I either play with it or make sure the latch isn't in the front.

Opperant Conditioning: When I was in elementary school, we would recieve special stickers from our teacher everytime we would read a book. The stickers would go on a ticket that was from Pizza Hut. After reading ten books, we would have enough stickers to get a free mini personalized pizza from Pizza Hut. This encouraged me to read more. This is positive reinforcement.

Ryan Aaron said...

Classical Conditioning:
Whenever I was 6ish my grandma came intown to show us her new honda prelude. She had it with leather so it had that brand new leather smell. One day i rode with her to the Grapevine Mills mall and she started smoking which doesnt settle well. While we were going down 121 I was sweating and puked out the window. So now everytime in a car with a leather smell it makes my stomach upset.

Observational Learning:
Every since i can remember my dad has always held the steering wheel of his vehicle at the bottom of the wheel. Now I always do that even though my mom says "10&2!"

Opperant Conditioning:
Ever since my sister was born i have always avoided her cause i find her very annoying. So everytime i do anything with her my mom gives me possitive reinforcement in some way like going to eat somewhere or money for gas.

jeffS said...

1.Classical Conditioning
A few years ago, my dad took my sister and me to the movies to see "The Time Machine." Since he declared that he wasn't going to pay for popcorn there, I decided to smuggle in those Sour Punch straws instead. Since it was around fall, I had to wear a jacket, and was able to go all out with the candy stashing, rubber band-ing them to my forearms and calves and such. So, for about two hours straight, I ate those sugar sticks, giving me sourpuss for about a week. Now whenever I see that movie on TV (NS & CS), my mouth begins to taste sour (UCR & CR) like when you normally eat sourpunch straws (UCS).

2.Operant Conditioning
Ever since I started driving, my mom has threatened to make me pay for my insurance. As a form of negative punishment, my mom says that I will start footing the bill when I get my first speeding ticket. This, in theory, should cause me to drive slower. But I don't. :)

3.Observational Learning
Like, omigawd? You know how people tend to talk like this? With the upward inflection of their voice at the end of each sentence? Like everything is a question? And it's rally annoying? So my sister happened to bring this "wonderful" little habit home once ago, bugging the crap outta my dad and me. Yet, somehow I found myself doing it at school. Creepy.

codyw said...

1) Classical conditioning:
I remember when I was younger, probably around 7 or so, we had like a family cookout in which we had pork chops. After eating them, i was sick for like the next 2 days, so now every time I even get that smell, which is rare, I remember that sick feeling. (NS and CS-pork chops, Cr and UCR- being sick, USC-feeling sick when smelling it.)

2)Observational learning:
I have watched friends play golf and put a tee behind their ear after they tee-off and now I do the same thing and don't even notice it.

3)Opperant conditioning:
I used to argue with my parents and to always getting in trouble for never listening to what they said or picking up on their point. So, they would ground me and now instead I just listen and learn so I don’t get into any more trouble...

Unknown said...

1) Classical conditioning: when i was about 10, during easter i got really sick with a bad stomach ache.. so my mom decided to give me pepto bismol to make it go away. well it helped for like 10 seconds and then i just started vomiting it all back up.. it was disgusting and ever since then i never ever use pepto bismol and just get grossed out by even looking at it. (The NS and CS is the throwing up pepto bismol. The CR and UCR is me getting grossed out. And the UCS is pepto bismol.)

2) Opperant conditioning: i really hate being called on in english so everytime theres a question where someone has to call on a student, i tilt my head down and try to not make eye contact and this works every single time, i've never been called on in that class since then.
(this is positive reinforcement)

3) Observational learning: because me and my sister are start to act like her.. some of the things she says i end up repeating in my everyday speech or even the things she does i start doing without thinking about it.

killiank said...
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Trent said...
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Trent said...

1) Classical Conditioning: When I turned 16 and first started to drive I recieved a speeding ticket with the first two weeks (I love to go fast). I hated the way it made me feel to receive a ticket. Now, everytime I see a cop car I become nervous and slow down below the speed limit. (UCR-driving too fast, UCR-recieving a ticket, NS&CS-a cop car, CR-becoming nervous and slowing down)

2)Operant Conditioning: When I was in Mrs. A's Spanish III class I hardly ever paid attention in class. However, when we started playing the terrific game of Trashketball and had a chance to receive 5 extra points on our tests I suddenly realized that I didnt know any of the questions. Therefore, in order to up my chances of receiving the 5 points and increase the possibility of getting a better grade on my tests I began to pay attention in class.

Observational Learning: Because I am such a Mavs fanatic I watch every single game (yes, all 82 and then playoffs). By watching all the games I have learned the shooting form of Dirk Nowitzki and now I shoot just like him, except with better results!