Monday, February 18, 2008

Deviant Behavior

You have received your assignment in class. Discuss here what happened...remember, no breaking rules, laws, etc! Have fun. This is due on Sunday, March 2nd.


AshtonA. said...

A couple of buddies and I loaded up a recliner in the back of a pick up truck and drove around Prosper, with me chillin in the lazy boy.I dont know if this would qualify as deviant behavior.Although one thing is for sure its definitely something you dont see every day.

DillonK said...

I was at my uncle's house last weekend and I started to scream really loud and then i ran around the house screaming and having a tantrum. I also started to say gibberish and my family was just staring at me and after i was done, i just straightened my hair and just said, "what's on tv?"

This is definitely something that you don't see everyday.

AshleyC said...

Well last night, I walked around my house in my pajamas and high heels. I didn't say anything and didn't laugh. I acted completely normal, getting a snack from the fridge and watching TV in the living room. My family just stared at me, and eventually my brother asked, "ashley, why are you wearing those?" and I walked back into my room without answering. I wouldn't say that's illegal or immoral but it was sure funny.

Unknown said...

Well, in between my 2nd and 3rd period classes on wednesday I decided to laugh non-stop to myself. I wasn't too loud, but it was loud enough to where the people right around me could hear. I got a lot of "what the hell?"'s and "what's so funny?"'s and people gave me a lot of odd looks. I probably looked pretty crazy, but it was fun.

DavidC said...

This past weekend i went to the mall and played in the little kids play area for about 20 min to see how the parents would respond. i made sure that i dressed in baggy clothes and looked like i just crawled out of bed to make sure that i looked like i wasn't doing it for a joke or something. I actually started playing with a couple of kids and thats when parents started finding excuses to pull their kids away and go somewhere else. The whole time i acted like it was just a normal part of my day. I think that this is pretty deviant behavior.

joseph_wck said...

Okay I tucked a pair of my jeans I wore when I worked in construction, and wore it to a couple of places. I got mostly weird look but other times nothing would be said or one.

Tanja said...


I wore things that were totally not matching at my hostfamily's house and in addition to that I had really crazy hairstyles with things in my hair, like a little coke can or a toothbrush (of course not used...) the reaction was like.."uhm you have something in your hair" or..."wow you are crazy today" or "why do you have a toothbrush/coke can in your hair"
The kids were more honest than the adults, of course *g*

Tanja said...
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Taylor A said...

A few nights ago I walked around my house talking to myself while my family was in the living room. At first they didn't say anything because my mom always kind of mumbles to herself as she thinks about what she needs to do for the day but eventually they asked me why I was talking. When I didn't answer and went upstairs they kind of just pretended it didn't happen.

Unknown said...

Yesterday we went out to a nice restaurant and i wore my shirt inside out. But it was really obvious that my shirt was inside out and something I obviously should've noticed. My family already knew what was going on but I got alot of apparent stares from kids in the restaurant and alot of stares from parents who were trying to make it look like they were not looking.

Anonymous said...

So on Saturday, Ashley and I packed sacked lunches. We went to the mall, sat down at an open table in the food court, and took out our lunches and proceeded to eat them. People that were walking by and looking at us, but trying to make it not obvious that they were. The people that were sitting down eating their lunches from the food court gave us weird looks.

SaraD said...

Zohra and I went to the Starbucks at the mall. We ordered our drinks and sat down at two different tables. Soon after she sat down, she started talking to herself as I watched on. The surrounding tables gave her weird looks, and a few people that passed her noticed her odd behavior. However, the majority of people that noticed assumed that it was no big deal, probably because we are teenagers and they suspected it was some kind of joke. Ultimately, we did attract a few glances, but nothing that you wouldn’t expect the average person to respond with.

Ryan Aaron said...

i decided to mess with my mom so i just put on one of her jackets and heels then told her i was leaving to meet up with someone and first she asked if i was feeling alright then the second was if the person i was meeting was another was great

killiank said...
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killiank said...

went to finishline to get some new shoes and looked at them all. After being in the store for a while i began to ask the salesman about every shoe. once he explained them i asked him to bring me pairs of each one, then i decided i didn't like the pair. After getting about 10 pairs for me i finally bought one and he was very relieved.

aneal972 said...

For my "deviant behavior" I decided to eat dinner with a napkin on my head. My mom, my dad, and I went to Rudy's BBQ and after we sat down i put a brown paper napkin on top of my head for about 15 min. There was a table of little league baseball boys sitting near us and a few of them saw and i dont think they knew quite how to react. They were too confused and afraid to say anything to anyone or eachother and all they did was glance over at me every once in a while. Other then that i got a few wierd looks but nobody had the nerve to ask me why my napkin was on my head and not in my lap. :)

DevinO said...

Sarah P. and i decided to go to the mall for our deviant behavior. I went in an oufit consisting of my rubber knee high riding boots, riding pants, and a black cowboy hat with "Princess" written on it. We then tied a rope around sarah and galloped around the parking lot while she pretended to be a horse. We got many weird looks from people and one lady even acted like she thought we were going to rob her or something. Quite a few ppl laughed as we "galloped" by.

KarleyA said...

My deviant behavior consisted of walking up to people, those I do and don't know, and right in their faces, sing loudly, obnoxiously, and very very seriously. One specific song I used was Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On from Titanic. I wouldn't sing the entire song, but only a specific verse or chorus. I gestured with my hands with wild exaggeration but also with a very serious attitude. After I finished, I would just walk away. The responses I recieved were quite similiar:those who knew me were suprised but ended up laughung or asking what was wrong with me, and those who didn't know me looked shocked and extremely uncomfortable. When I walked away, both those who knew me and those who didn't looked back every once in a while to see if I was going to randomly burst into song again. To please them, I did. :)

Ari said...

ok so i decided to walk around the house with wearing makeup on my face just like I do most of the time. Except this time I looked like a clown, because I was wearing an exagerated amount of eyeliner, and eyeshadow, and my cheeks were bright red from all the extra blush I had used. As soon as I came out of the door my brother and sister looked at me really weird and then laughed. My mom and dad were very surprised to see me like that and my mom asked "have you seen yourself inthe mirror" and my dad just said you look lovely are you going to the circus or what. then I explained to them why I did it and they laughed.

AnnaP said...

Ok so the other morning i got dressed for school and i put half of my hair up in a pig tail and the other half down. when i went downstairs to leave my mom looked at me very strange and asked what i was doing. i was like what do you mean and she kept asking me questions like why my hair was so crazy and she finally just came over to me and tried to do my hair like i was 5 years old haha. after she fixed my hair i left for schoolbut i was about 15 minutes late to school bc she wouldnt let me leave, so ya mrs.G we need to take care of that bc i got swept. jk

LeslieF said...

ok so i didnt even remember our assignment from class but weird enough i did it on accident bein my normal weird self. i was with Ari,Laura,and Lili (of course like always joined at the hip)well i started acting like i had OCD every time i would step on a white tile i would stop at a green one and tap my foot three times. THey all noticed because of course we were together so when i would stop they would have to as well. They just looked at me for awhile and finally laughed and said What are you doing! i just laughed and said nothing

AustinPoston said...

me and my friend drew weeks decided to talk to customers at work using british accents. The ladies were very attracted to it while the guys felt threatened by it.

AustinPoston said...

me and my friend drew weeks decided to talk to customers at work using british accents. The ladies were very attracted to it while the guys felt threatened by it.

AustinPoston said...

me and my friend drew weeks decided to talk to customers at work using british accents. The ladies were very attracted to it while the guys felt threatened by it.

AustinPoston said...
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Bea said...

This weekend I went to work and I decide to talk to my self while at work when I wasn’t busy. My coworkers would look at me like I was crazy, customers would just look at me and keep walking. One of my friends from work asked me to whom was I talking to and I told her to my self. And she just said "oh... ok." And then we started talking. It was funny seeing peoples reactions.

codyw said...

For theater we had to dress up and put make-up on, and my character was an attempted caveman. As I walked through the halls not acting, any different I got a lot of laughs and weird looks. Also, herd some people calling me "Jesus" and other names. Can't say seeing a "caveman" is something you would see everyday.

Unknown said...

well one day this past week i made numerous copies of a picture that had a poorly drawn person with red eyes and with the words "Behold! The REVOLUTION!" written on the bottom of the page. I started passing them out during band like i was delivering something a teacher had given me and not acting weird at all. Some people accepted this very enthusiastically, enthusiastically enough to go and staple 3 copies of the drawing on to the walls of the band hall and proclaiming in loud voices, "BEHOLD THE REVOLUTION!" Some people looked at the drawing then looked at me with a very confused look while still accepting it. others refused to have anything to do with it. i received many odd looks and quizzical glances while doing this.

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jeffS said...

A few days ago, when I needed to go to walmart on an errand, I decided to do my shopping with my clothes on backwards, including pants, polo shirt, and jacket. I got quite a few odd stares and second glances from people I pretended not to notice, but no one approached me about it. I'm not sure if this is deviant behavior, but it's definitely unusual.

LosingIt! said...

A few days ago my friend and I were at Burger King and we decided to talk with really heavy country accents. We talked like this the whole time we were there acting like we were from the south. Many people just looked at us like we were weird.

ryanv said...

I didn't actually do anything recently, but me and a couple of friends did a couple of things last summer while we were in Florida. One of the things we did was set fireworks off near couples that were just relaxing on the beach (this was at night). Most of them freaked out and wanted to know who did it (we were hiding). One of the guys actually started yelling to everyone on the beach at the time. It was very amusing to see their responses. The next night while we were bored in our condo (it was right on the beach) we noticed a fight starting between a bunch of college kids down on the beach. While we were watching it start my friend started pointing his laser pointer at them from our hotel room. At first they just ignored it, but as they began to get more pissed off at each other the laser began to annoy them more. They eventually started yelling towards our condo telling us to come out. People can be very fun to provoke (from a distance of course).

Unknown said...

I was with my friend Jessi R. and i was really bored and so i ,uh, growled like a bear or a lion. Jessi looked at me like i was crazy because i never do that(her on the other hand...)I just looked at her a laughed nervously. I told my friend Lili, in yearbook, and then i turned to my computer and began to growl. I couldn't help it. Lili gave me a What-the-heck look and just laughed at me and then told me to stop after i kept growling.
It wasn't what i had originally planned for my deviant behavior but i think the fact that i growled unintentionally and kept doin it is kinda scary and cool at the same time.

JarnailS said...

K well the other day when i was home all day I walked around my house with one of my underwear (a clean pair I might add) over my head like a hat. I remember when I was little I did dumb things like that too. Well I was walking around and my sister just looked at me and that look on her face like "ok what the...." and then just moved on on what she was doing. The same thing happened when I walked around my mom too, but she was laughing also.