Wednesday, August 12, 2009

AP Psychology: 2009-2010

Welcome to our AP Psychology blog! In order to be able to post comments (thus earning your grades) onto this blog, you must create or use an existing gmail account. You may choose a user name that identifies you easily or one that will keep you unidentifiable. Either way, you will need to notify me either by e-mail ( or in writing what your user name will be.

Thanks, and don't forget to have fun with this!

Here is your first blog assignment:

Chapter 1: Please answer the following questions thoughtfully and honestly:

--->Why are you in this class?
--->Are you going to take the AP test?
--->What score will you earn on the AP test?
--->What are you looking forward to this year?
--->Are you afraid of anything or hesitant about anything this year?

This blog will be due on September 7th at midnight.

Mrs. G!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


After reading about and discussing Parenting Styles in class, please think about what styles you see at home. Think about other parenting styles that you have seen in your extended family, with your friends' parents, and in the media. You then will need to answer the following questions in a blog entry. Your entry needs to be time-marked (occurs automatically when you post your blog) by midnight on February 1st.

1) Pick a set of parents on a television show or in a movie. Choose which parenting style they employ, and give specific examples of why you have chosen that.

2) Explain what type of parenting style you think or hope to use when you have your own children.