Wednesday, January 21, 2009


After reading about and discussing Parenting Styles in class, please think about what styles you see at home. Think about other parenting styles that you have seen in your extended family, with your friends' parents, and in the media. You then will need to answer the following questions in a blog entry. Your entry needs to be time-marked (occurs automatically when you post your blog) by midnight on February 1st.

1) Pick a set of parents on a television show or in a movie. Choose which parenting style they employ, and give specific examples of why you have chosen that.

2) Explain what type of parenting style you think or hope to use when you have your own children.


Shelley G said...

I would like the dad from Full House. When DJ was in trouble he would sit her down and talk to her calmly not yell at her. He would always be there for his kids and give them plenty of attention. I think i would be a permissive parent, but i will love my kids but at the same time i will know when to let go.

ashleysalazarphotography said...

I recently watched Freaky Friday again the other day. In that movie, the main character, Anna's, family was demonstrated as an authoritarian type of family. The main character's mother, always gave her punishment and rules according to what she did without reason or explanation. For example, when Anna got in trouble or bad grades at school, her mom removed her door off the hinges. She never gave her a legitamate explanation as to why she did it. When Anna asks why, her mother also doesn't really tell her, just the fact that she did something wrong.

If I have kids, I think I'll use the authoritative style of parenting so that way I can effectively communicate with my kids and explain to them why there is a certain rule set instead of just making it with no explanation. That way, they can try to understand where I'm coming from, so they won't think that I'm just being mean. For example, if they want something, like an extension on curfew, we would have to talk it out and find out why and where they will be to better decide. I will always have the final say, though.

LaurenY said...

I like Bill Cosby from the Cosby show, because he uses authoritative parenting styles, discussing problems with his children--such as when this middle daughter wants to watch a scary movie he discusses his reasons for not letting her go (i.e. she get's so scared she can't sleep any time she sees anything scary). I think I will also be an authoritative parent because I want my children to have a say in family decisions because those decisions will affect them as well. However, I still believe that parents should have the final say.

Unknown said...

The parents in That 70s Show use two different types of parenting styles. The mother tends to be an authoritative parent while the father is an authoritarian parent. When Eric would get in trouble or was upset his mom would talk to him about what he did and try to understand his view. But when Eric's father got him in trouble he didn't want to talk about it or try to see his side, he was right and that was final. I think i will be an authoritative parent, that is how i have grown up and that is how i want my kids to grow up.

Anonymous said...

Bam Margera's parents on Viva La Bam are a great example of permissive parents. Bam has the final say and there are no rules about behavior. Bam can paint the whole house blue or put an alligator in the kitchen and his parents continue to make no demands or expectations. But despite their leiniency with Bam they are still involved in his life making them a permissive family.

I think I will be an authoritative parent because discussion is a good way to figure things out. Rules are explained and not necessarily set in stone, which is how I grew up and I would probably raise my kids the same way.

katie c. said...

In the real house wifes of orange county, vickki displays a permissive mother. She is very laid back and wants her son to have whatever he wants in life to be happy. She allows him to have his own apartment at the age of 19 even though he does not have a job or a way to pay for it.When i become a mother i hope to be authoritative. i would like my children to be very open with me, but i will also lay down certain rules and expectations for them to follow.

a-krigs said...

In Two and a Half Men, Jake's parents are divorced and display very different parenting styles. While Judith is very authoritarian, Alan is permissive.

When I have children of my own, I plan to be an authoritative parent. That's the way I was raised and my parents and I are extremely close. I don't ever want that to change and I hope I have that same bond with my children as they grow up.

Anonymous said...

In Gossip Girl, Serena's mom tries to be an authoritative parent but she spoils her kids so much that she is a permissive parent. She lays down the rules and yet doesn't make her kids abide by them. So it's more of, she tells them that she wishes they'd do certain things but in the end it doesn't matter whether or not they actually do. For example, she doesn't want Serena dating Dan because the mom wants to date Dan's father but Serena dates Dan anyway.

When I grow up, I want to be an authoritative parent because I want my kids to respect my rules but also have a say in them. And it opens things up for discussion which allows better communication between me and my kids.

Bonzo said...

Me and my family just finished watching A Christmas Story and I thought Ralphie's parents are kinda tricky. Throughout the movie he's constantly scared about the next order they will decree but he does have a close, bonded relationship with them, considering his mom didn't rat on him about the fight and his dad bought him his "official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle." I'd say these parents are authoritative.

I think I'll most likely be an authoritative parent, if I have children that is, because my parents are the same way and I figure I've probably picked up knowledge from them more than I have from anybody else.

Deshanta said...

Watching Runs House i see that they have a authorative parenting sytle. When the kids do anything or get into trouble or have an issue the parents sit down and talk to them about it and if they punish them its a fair punishement and they explain to them why they did what they did.

Although thats a good parenting style i grew up with my mom who is very permissve parent but it i wouldnt have it any other way because i feel like her being so loose with me but still being there for me helped me learn things on my own.

IvanaM said...

In George Lopez, George and Angie have very different parenting skills. George is very authoritarian and Angie is very authoritative. When their daughter Carmen wanted her boyfriend to live in the same house, George just said no without letting Carmen say what she needed to say. He also didn't explain why he said that. Angie sat down with Carmen and asked her to explain her reason of wanting her boyfriend to live with them. Angie also explained why she didn't think it was a good idea.

When I have children, I hope that I will have an authoritative parenting style. I would like to hear what they have to say when they make a decision. I want to see what they might want instead of cutting them off and telling them no without an explanation. I would also like to say what the rules are and the exceptions of the decision. Also, I would have the final say.

S. mooney said...

I chose Peter and Lois from Family Guy.

Peter: is an uninvolved parent because, he shows his kids no love or affection, gives them no sense of order, and on a common occasion makes fun of them in some cruel way.

Lois: Is usually an authoritative parent in the way she try's (tries?) to make up for peter's lack of emotional contact with his children, and listen to them with their problems, or if they had a "request or whatever it may be.

Me personally, I would most likely be a mix of an Authoritarian and an Authoritative style of parent. I would give my kids a say in the matter and listen to what is going on with them but I would most likely have the final say in any conversation.

Bailey W said...

In the movie "Juno," both Juno's father and stepmother exhibit a mix of authoritative and permissive parenting styles, leaning more towards permissive. While at first upset about Juno's pregnancy, her father soon decides to support whatever choice she makes, offering only advice. Her stepmother sometimes argues with Juno about things she disapproves of (like Juno spending time with Mark, who is married), but again never goes as far as to tell her what to do.

If I end up having kids someday, I would try to use an authoritative style, since I would never want to be either too harsh or too lenient. Either way would just distance a parent from a child.

lili g. said...

In the Bernie Mac show, their uncle Bernie is often very strict and authoritarian towards his neices and nephew. Although he is often very tyrannical his wife is more authoratative towards the kids and tries to understand their actions and generally tries to be their friend.
I think that if i had kids i would like to be more diplomatic and occasionally ask their view on issues that might affect their life.

Holly said...

I chose the "Incredibles" family. I chose this family because each parent has a different style. Bob Parr, Mr. Incredible, exhibits a permissive style. This is seen after Helen asks him to do something with the kids to which he simply says, “Listen to your mother.” Helen Parr, Elastigirl, on the other hand exhibits an authoritarian parenting style. This is seen when the children start to panic after their plane explodes she says, “You will not panic or so help me I will ground you for a month.”
I would hope that if I ever did have children I would at least exhibit an authoritative parenting style. That way I could at least try and understand where my child is coming from when they say or ask for something.

Priscilla Jeanette said...

Lynette from Desperate Housewives is another authoritative parent. When her son Parker suddenly gets blameed for the club incident and the death of another, she was by his side helping him through it. Though she has rules for her kids yet she still listens to them and help them.

Being a parent i would like for my kids to be okay with me talking to me about anything..just like i am with my parents [well mom]. Even though i want to be close to my kids, they still have to know whats right to whats wrong. so im guessing authoritative.


In Peter Pan, the two parents use different parenting styles. The father uses an authoritarian style which is evident when he yells at the children, not letting them explain their actions. He yells at Wendy, saying she has to grow up and can no longer be a child. However, the mother is an authoritative parent. She can not believe his actions while she sympathizes with the children.

When I have children, I hope to use an authoritative parenting style, because I have seen it work successfully in my family. Letting children see the fairness in punishments and reasoning behind rules helps them understand the importance of behaving a certain way. Parents should still be in control with the final say, but discussion and compromises should be encouraged.

InDaHOOD said...

In The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, the parents have to different parenting styles. The father, Philip, uses an authoritarian parenting style, while the mother uses an authoratative style. Philp's authoritarian style can be seen when the family is robbed by Will's friend. He has no reason to listen to Will's excuse and he just goes straight to punish Will. The mother, Vivian, will disagree with Philip and try to communicate with the children to let them justify their reasoning. And then she will explain the reason for their punishment.

When i am older and have kids, i will most likely, like my parents, be a authoratative parent. i will want to lay the law but be able to let some things go. I would want it to be like a democracy instead of a dictatorship.

Alanna said...

The parents in that 70's show are authoritarian. this is seen whenever Eric does something wrong and he doesn't question his parents and does what they tell him to do even if he doesn't think it is right. An example of this is whenever Red (the dad) tells Eric to go spend time with his grandma he does it even though he has a paper due the next day and hasn't started it. Because Eric's dad just tells Eric what to do without explaining anything leads Eric to breaking the rules and getting into trouble.

Whenever I have my own children I would like to use the Authoritative parenting style.

stephaniec said...

Lorelai from Gilmore Girls is a single mother and her parenting style is permissive and authoritative. Her and her daughter are best friends and her daughter is really smart so she usually doesn't do anything wrong. but when she does do something wrong, Lorelai will lay down the rules.

If i was a parent i would probablt be between the authoritative and permissive styles of parenting. Thats how my parents are and it works pretty well and my brother and i never get in trouble. I would let my kids do what they want and make their own decisions, but get on to them when they do something wrong.

Anonymous said...

In That '70's Show, Eric's parents show an authoritarian style of parenting. When Eric's Father says that he is not allowed to get married to Donna, it was final, and Eric submitted to his father.

I wish to be an authoritarian because it would be so much easier if your kids didn't argue with you

amandahj said...

In the disney movie The Little Mermaid, Ariel's father, King Triton, is an authoritarian parent because he always yells at her when she does something wrong and there's no questions about his rules. For example, when Ariel decided to go against King Triton and go to the surface of the ocean he became furious and told her that she knew it was against his rules. When she tried to explain that she was perfectly safe and nothing had happened, he simply interrupted her and dismissed any excuses she was saying by sending her away.

In the future when I have kids of my own I hope to have an authoritative parenting style so I can allow my kids to explain themselves and know that I care, but still have rules and punishments when needed so they don't become spoiled brats. I will allow discussions but in the end I will make the final decision.

getloCOLE said...

In Jon and Kate plus 8, both parents demonstrate the authoritative style of parenting. With eight kids, it can be pretty easy to lose your temper and get out of control, but they find the balance between standards, and choices. The parents have pretty basic rules such as cleaning up after yourselves, no yelling, hitting or fighting, and often make the kids apologize and hug one another when they hurt one another. They are consistent with punishment if the rules are broken. They do however, still listen to their kids as much as possible with eight kids, and take each kid out by themselves to do what they would like. These kids will grow up with the perfect balance of discipline and positive outlook.

When I grow up I think I will be an authoritative parent. Like my parents, I will have certain rules and guidlines, but still want my kids to have opinions and a voice. I want to be able to have both a parent and friend relationship with my kids, as opposed to just one or the other.

cneal said...

The show Run's House is a good example of an authoritative family. Their family is very democratic and although the parents have the final say in the decisions made, the kids are all very persuasive and are able to discuss and negotiate their opinions and wishes. The parents give their children advice but try to let them learn lessons on their own to figure out what is morally correct. However, they have expectations that the kids should follow and make the rules clear.

When I am a parent I would also like to have an authoritative family. I have very strong opinions but also want to listen to my children and hear their opinions, not neccesarily meaning that I will bend the rules but I am open to negotiation. I think children should have a voice but have a set guideline of rules they are expected to follow. I will give them my opinions but let them learn from their own decisions and experiences.

The Wingmen said...

I like the father from Andy Griffith because he can discuss issues openly with Opie. These are always for the greater good, like learning when to be honest about a deal. Opie, after talking with his dad, eventually felt guilty about trying to sell his broken piece of trash bike to a friend for a profit.

I think I will use the authoritative style to communicate with my kids so that I we can learn from each other. I like the diplomatic approach. And as for punishment, if they earn it, then I will make sure to discuss what to do differently for a FUN lesson in life, not a lesson in "man I hate my dad". Okay punishment isn't fun, but whatever

Bekah said...

i would pick the parents from the movie Footloose. the character Ariel's parents are permissive because her father cares only about his church congregation and could care less about Ariel or what she has to say. Her mother is almost invisible, she's a good mother, kind and caring but she sets no rules and never interacts with her.
When I'm a parent i would love to be an authoritive parent. my mom is one and i love the way she's raised me and my 3 siblings so i want to be an authoritive parent and be a good mom like mine.

afreeze=) said...

One of my favorite movies of all time is "Dirty Dancing", and I also love the parenting style of Baby's parents. Her mom and dad, although they set rules and boundaries for Baby to follow, they also let her do her own thing and they trust her to be responsible. I would consider them to be Authorative parents. They set rules, but know when to let Baby live her own life.

When I have kids, I think that I will most likely be an Authorative parent just like Baby's parents. I think it is important for parents to understand that although they want to keep their kids safe, there is a point where they need to trust them to make smart decisions. So when I am a parent, I will set guidelines for my children to follw, but let them be free at the same time.

nathan havens said...

In Hannah Montana the dad is very authoritative. He always cares about what his kids think and though he almost always asks for their input he always makes the decision that will benefit his kids the most in the end. Though the show is cheesy and the dad acts better than any real person ever could he exhibits a good control over his parenting styles.

I want to be somewhere in between an authoritative and an authoritarian. Though it does make sense that kids should understand what's going on in their lives have their feelings heard, the house should not work like a democracy. Kids should have a say and not a vote. It is unlikely that children could even have a developed enough brain to even completely understand some situations. So unless you're dealing with a King Tut having a child help lead the house sounds dangerous.

Unknown said...

On Keeping Up With The Kardashians. The parenting style is very passive. Even though four of the six children are grown up. When they made the decision to have children it is a life time commitment. The girls are wild and have very foul language and do not act appropriate. The mother doesn't do anything. She kinda just says their name in a tone like she can't believe it. But now the two younger daughters are becoming just like the three older ones who do not have good reputations. The father however some what tries to parent and make is children behave. But the mother let over powers him and ignores him. She does whatever she wants like when she got a dog behind his back with her youngest daughter.
When I have children on day. I will not be passive. A child is given to us to raise up right and become productive in society. Children need discipline and boundaries. I will not however be obsessive compolsive over it though. I will try and be as balanced as I can. When discipling is needed I will enforce it. I'm not going to put up with temper tantrums and they will learn to have manners. If spanking is needed I will follow through with that but only if it neccessary it will not be a common thing.

Allison S