Wednesday, August 12, 2009

AP Psychology: 2009-2010

Welcome to our AP Psychology blog! In order to be able to post comments (thus earning your grades) onto this blog, you must create or use an existing gmail account. You may choose a user name that identifies you easily or one that will keep you unidentifiable. Either way, you will need to notify me either by e-mail ( or in writing what your user name will be.

Thanks, and don't forget to have fun with this!

Here is your first blog assignment:

Chapter 1: Please answer the following questions thoughtfully and honestly:

--->Why are you in this class?
--->Are you going to take the AP test?
--->What score will you earn on the AP test?
--->What are you looking forward to this year?
--->Are you afraid of anything or hesitant about anything this year?

This blog will be due on September 7th at midnight.

Mrs. G!


Alyssa H said...

I am in AP Psychology this year because I am curious to learn about how and why people think, act, react, and interact like they do. Also, I'm considering minoring in psychology in college so I want to get a taste of it before I make that decision. I plan on taking the AP exam in May. My goal is to score at least a 4 but of course I would love to score a 5! I'm looking forward to discovering things about myself that I may have never realized otherwise. I'm definitely worried about retaining the information for tests because, though I'm great with concepts and processes, I struggle with remembering lots of detail. Regardless, I can't wait to see how much we grow as a class.. I already love it!

Emily B said...

I'm considering minoring in psychology so I took this class to get a taste of what I might be minoring, to see if I do like it as much as I thought I would. Or like it enough to minor in it. I will be taking the AP test and I'm aiming for a 4. I wouldn't mind a 5 though :) I'm looking forward to learning about what goes on in the brain and why people do what they do, it's so fascinating! I'm not sure what I'm afraid of this year right now, but I'm sure plenty of things will come up! :)

HannahS said...

I am in Psychology this year because I am interested in counseling as a career. Both of my grandparents are counselors and that has peaked my intrest. If I am able to continue this class through the second semester I plan on taking the AP test. I would love to score a 5, but I would probably shoot for a 4. I think it will be interesting to have a better underastanding of my own mind and the people around me. I am very analytical of my feelings and aware of why I act, feel, and say the things I do.
I am very nervous about retaining detailed information for tests, and how much,time consuming, homework we will have, and how that will play out with my after school activites. I am excited to study something I'm very interested in and get a taste of what my future career could be based upon!

Bernadette Gerace said...

Honestly, the only work you'll really do outside of class would be your notes and then studying. Most of what we'll learn this year will come from our lectures and demonstrations. :-)

lland said...

I am looking into Social Work or Crisis Counseling and I believe psychology is very important in both careers. Psychology teaches you about why people do what they do and I hope we learn about reactions , in turn helping you know how to react and help.I plan on taking the AP test and hope to make at least a 4 I really don't know much about AP testing tho. I can't wait to hear the explanation's why people do certain things. I am a little worried about memorizing things and having to talk about myself in class.But all in all I think its going to be a great year!

MorganS said...

I am in Psychology because i plan to major in neuroscience in college and i believe psychology will help me understand everything in general better and in more depth. I plan on taking the AP test, and im going to get a 5 on it so i can get credit for college since im going to baylor. Im looking forward to learning about myself and why i react to certain things. The only thing im worried about is me stressing out to much trying to learn all the information in order to get i 5 on the test, because i stress alot.

Unknown said...

Before I get to collage I would like to obtain as many collage credits/hours as possible. My mother also took it in CCCC and said it was really good fun and good to know. For this same reason I will be taking the AP test at the end of the year. I plan (obviously) to pass with the highest score possible, so 5. This however is not necessary what I will get, and unfortunately it will not be my highest priority to get a 5 in physiology, but I am looking for at least a 4. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in a different manner, and hopefully in a more optimistic way. The only thing I don’t think I will like is the notes, I HATE notes, I do however see the reason for doing them, but other than that i'm not worried or hesitant about anything.

Anonymous said...

I'm taking Psychology because I have heard from my sisters and friends that it's an interesting class and it helps you to better understand people. I am going to take the AP test and score a 4 on it. I'm looking forward to learning about how people process thoughts differently and what makes us react the way we do. I'm afraid that I will fall back on the reading and not do as well as I can.

Unknown said...
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Coreena said...

I decided to take this class because it seemed like it would be more interesting than most classes, plus, I can always use more AP credit! :) I find the mind to be a rather intriguing topic to study and within the first week the class is already turning out to be more fun than I imagined!
I do plan on taking the AP test and I hope to get at least a 4 but a 5 would be awesome! I am mostly looking forward to any experiments we might do this year. I'm not sure if that's something we do in this class, but if so then that would be really cool! The only thing I'm slightly afraid of is the large amounts of notes we will have to take on our own time, but hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm anticipating. :)

Ashleigh M said...

I decided to take AP Psychology because I heard the class was an absolute blast from my friends who took it last year. I also think it's really interesting to learn about people's behaviors and what goes on in everyone's mind! I am definitely going to take the AP test and I'm shooting for a 4, also a 5 would be nice! I'm looking forward to learning new things about myself and the different reasons to why people react the way they do. I am definitely worried about being able to remember all of the information! There's so much! Especially with the rest of my schedule, I hope I don't stress out too much! But so far the class is great! :]

D'Ann G said...
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D'Ann G said...

I'm taking AP Psychology because I heard from my friends that it was an absolute blast! I'm also planning on going into elementary education and psychology is a required course for that. I'm for sure taking the AP test and planning on getting a 4! I'm looking forward to learning about the brain and how people think, along with learning about different personalities. The only thing I'm worried about is not being able to remember all the information and stressing out about all the notes! But so far Psychology is hands down my favorite class!

Unknown said...

I am very interested in psychology and think I want to become a psychologist. I took this class to figure out if I really wanted to. I am planning on taking the Ap test and want to score a 4 or 5. Learning about the human behavior and being able to apply what I learn to real life. I'm not afraid to do anything right now.

Andrea Rivas! said...
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Andrea Rivas! said...

I took psychology this year because I'm one hundred percent positive that this is what I want to major in! I love everything about psychology; discovering why people do what they do, how they react to certain things, why they think what they think, etc. I want to learn as much as I can to prepare for the near future. I'm definitely going to take the AP test and I'm hoping to get a 5 but I'll be content with a 4. I'm looking forward to learning all about the mind and I'm excited for all the fun projects I'm sure we have coming! I'm not hesitant about a thing this year; I know this is where I want to be!

anxiety said...

I am in this class because I think its intresting! When I am an adult I want my career to deal with the criminal mind! I am going to take th test and will shoot for a five but i will be happy with a four! I dont think so.....

anxiety said...

I am in this class because I think its intresting! When I am an adult I want my career to deal with the criminal mind! I am going to take th test and will shoot for a five but i will be happy with a four! I dont think so.....

Megan C said...

I am taking AP psychology because I've heard nothing but good things about it from my friends who took it last year. I also think it's really interesting and might want to continue and minor in it in college. I am definitely taking the AP test and my goal is a 4. I think it will be a lot of fun to learn about my own mind and the people around me. One thing I'm nervous about is all the notes, but so far it is my favorite class!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Well,I am in Psychology not by choice but because it was the best class to fit into my schedule.I'm so glad I'm in this class now.I plan on scoring a 4 or 5 on the Ap exam in May.I'm looking forward to learning more about the human mind and how it works.I am worried about the tests and notes since I will have to remember a lot of different topics.Overall I'm really excited about this class.-Hanah Mayes

Unknown said...

To tell you the truth I got into Psychology because my schedule did not work and it was the next best thing. But now I LOVE the class and I'm really glad I got into it!! I do plan on taking the AP test and I'm hoping to get a 4 or 5. I'm looking forward to learning about why events happen.. how the brain works and why people are the way they are. I'm not so good at memorizing specific details, so memorizing all the phsycologists scares me a bit, but I know you're a good teacher an I will be fine by the end!

Morgan T:) said...

I am taking AP psychology because some one my friends told me how interesting and great it was! I am taking the AP test and I'm hoping I get at least a 4 but a 5 would be really awesome. I am looking forward to more class discussions and learning about people and how they interact. There is so many interesting things in psychology and so far it has been really great. The only thing I am afraid of is the work and studying all the notes for the test, but I am sure it will all be fine:)

Unknown said...
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Dillon K. said...

I'm taking the Psychology class because it is an AP class, plus I get to learn about the mind. I plan on taking the AP test. I will earn a 5 on the AP exam. The thing I'm most looking forward to this year is learning about behaviors, and maybe we'll have a chance to learn about attraction. I find attraction intrigueing. I'm not too afraid of anything besides spiders and heights. In the Psychology class I'll be myself and will only hesitate if something I have to do is outside of my comfort zone; However, my comfort zone is huge.

kfer said...

I'm taking psychology because I would like to be a psychologist, psychiatrist or even a psychology teacher. I plan on taking the AP test and I would love to score a 5 but I don't mind scoring a 4. This year, I'm looking forward to studying the mind and all the major mental disorders. One of my fears about this class are the tests and the complex concepts of psychology.

Unknown said...

I decided to take AP Psychology because I find the subject fascinating. I like to understand why people (especially in literature) do things and psychology offers the perfect explanation. I also love biology, so this class is ideal for me. I definitely plan to take the AP test and hope to score a 5. This year, I look forward to our psychological "tests" so I can see how my mind works. I am a little hesitant about the AP test in May, but plan to study really hard this year :)

Unknown said...

I'm in AP Psycology because one summer I met this college student who was majoring in psycology, and he told me about a lot of the interesting stuff he'd learned through his classes and it really sparked a big intrest in me. Of course I plan on taking the AP exam in May! I would love to get a 5 but my more realistic goal would be to get a 4. I'm most nervous about remembering and understanding all the detailed things we'll be learning for tests and such, but I just need to be consistent in reviewing notes and I know i'll be just fine! I'm really excited for this class and can't wait to learn some psycology!!!!

LWuest said...

I am taking Psychology, honestly because they put me in the class. Although, I do find it very interesting, so I did want to take the class, I just didn't sign up for it. If I am going to be in the class 2nd semester I will most likely take the AP test, and my goal is a 4. I am looking forward to learning about why people do certain things and all the games and different activities we do. I am a little nervous about the work since it is a AP class, but I really enjoy the class so far so I probably won't mind doing the work. :)

stormy23 said...

I am taking psychology because I think it will be a fun class, and there will be a ton of information to learn. Also i think it would be interesting to find out what is people's motivations behind their actions. I am planning on taking the AP test in May, and want to make a 4 or 5. I am looking forward to learning a ton in psychology, since I think it will be one of my favorite classes, and discovering more about cognitive and behavorial psychology. I'm not very nervous about psychology, but I am nervous about college applications!

Unknown said...

I am in AP Psychology so I can obtain another AP Credit before I graduate High School and I also heard the class was fun from my friends who took it last year. I plan on taking the AP Test in May and my goal is to score a 5 on it. I am looking forward to learning about the world of Psychology and learning about myself in the process. I don't think I'm particularly afraid of anything or hesitant about anything either.

MeganS said...

I'm in AP Psychology because i find the way people act or think quite interesting. Im thinking about majoring in it in college based on how well i do in this class. I do plan on taking the AP test and hopefully earn a 3 or above. i'm looking forward to learning about what goes on in people minds and what causes it. I am also looking forward to the interesting hands on activities that we will do so that we can get a better feel of the psychology world. :]

Anonymous said...

Alright, I can't believe that I've finally made it to senior year!! I'm in psychology because it is a true passion of mine. I've been saving it for my senior year so I could at least enjoy one class, even with the worst onset of senioritis. =] I've read several books on cognitive psychology and plan to pursue a minor in Psychology at Texas A&M... GIG 'EM!! I am definitely shooting for a 5, there's no question about it. I'm gonna aim high and see where that gets me. I don't have many worries so far; I'm just loving it! =D

Hillary H said...
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Hillary H said...

I decided to take AP Psychology this year because lately I've read several books including It's Kind of a Funny Story, Perks of Being a Wallflower, and a Million Little Pieces which sparked my interest in how people "work." Although each of the characters either suffered from chemical dependency or alchoholism, I still would like to figure out what motivates people to do things and the mental processes they go through to make decisions. I plan to take the AP test this year, and although a five would be nice, I'm going to shoot for a four. I'm looking forward to having a better understanding of people in general, myself included. The only thing I'm necessarily worried about is retaining so much information!

avary said...

I am taking AP psychology because I know that i want to do something psychology related for the rest of my life. I enjoy learning about how people react, think, and why we do some of the crazy things we do. I plan on taking the AP test, and my goal is a 4 but a 5 would be awesome. I'm looking forward to learning about personality types! I'm just afraid i might stress out too much over the AP test.

avary said...
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Sam Crovella said...

I am in AP Psychology this year because I am curious about the human mind and am anxious to learn about the processes behind thoughts, actions, and other brain functions. I plan to take the AP exam. I would be happy with a 4 or a 5, but of course I would prefer a 5. I look forward to a fun year of learning about the human brain's immeasurable power over a person's life and how my own brain governs my actions. I am nervous that with my other AP classes that my work will become too much for me and my performance in psychology will suffer. But hopefully that won't happen!

Kaitlyn Christeen said...

This is Kaitlyn Tatum

Honestly I'm in this class because I think it will be fun. Hard at times yes, but ultimately because I enjoy it. A couple of people introduced me into it my freshman year and I mean barely introduced me and I like it. Man, I'm repetitive.
Yeah, i'm taking the test. I would really love to score a 4.
I'm not exactly sure whether or not you mean the class year or the school year. School year i'm looking forward to everything. I'm not sentimental about leaving HS behind, i want to be as independent as I can, as soon as I can. Class wise, i'm just looking forward to everything. Though the way people are reacting to the trip to the mental hospital really irritates me because i find it disrespectful.
I'm not afraid. I can't really see why i would be. I'm kind of laid back but I'm also kind of prideful and stubborn which keeps me from asking for help. I attack things head on to keep myself from freaking out.

Unknown said...

I wanted to take Psychology because I'm interested about the mind and why we do things that we do. I also took this class to have a better grasp on this subject. I plan on taking the AP test in the spring, it would save me money for college if I get a good score, which I hope I will get either a 3 or above. Basically, I'm looking forward to gaining a better understanding of other people and myself and why we act the way we act or say the things we say. I'm nervous about the tests and especially the AP test. Besides that, there's not a lot to be nervous about except for my other classes. Overall I'm just happy to be in a class I'm already really interested in.

lizzypoo said...

I am in AP Psychology because the human mind has always fascinated me and I would like to learn how and why it works the way it does. I've also heard so many good things from the classes before and it made me jealous I wasn't in the class. I do plan on taking the AP exam in May. I'm hoping for a least a 3. A 4 or 5 would be amazing but I'm going to set the bar low so I don't get my hopes up. I'm looking forward to all the different experiments we will conduct in the class. They seem like they will be fun. I'm worried about all the vocabulary and names we need to learn by the end of the year. My memory is not the best so I'm afraid I will forget everything.
However, whether or not that happens, I know I will have so much fun in this class. I already love it!

Kristin A said...

I took this class because I want to be an Emergency Room doctor and it will help me in the future. I will take the AP test. And my goal is to get a 3 or better. I am looking forward to being able to use the information we learn in the future. I am not afraid of anything for this year.

John K said...

-To learn the fundamentals of the human mind.
-Of course! It would be quite a waste to take this class and not go all the way through with it.
-I have perfection in mind, but I am only human. I am sure some mistakes will be made, hopefully they will not be too detracting.
-Graduation. It means being one step closer to being finished with this hum-drum of mindlessly repetitive activities.
-The only thing I fear is complete failure. However, I do not plan on doing so.

Unknown said...

I am taking AP Psychology because I have always been interested in the mind and why people are the way they are. I plan on taking the AP exam and want to make a 4 or 5. I'm looking foreward to being able to know what influences the way certain people act. I'm worried about the amount of work that will stack up from taking 4 AP classes this year. But, I'm sure this year will be great anyway.
-Justin Abbott

H.Havens said...

Im in this class because i love Mrs. G so very much. honestly because my brother said it was a pretty interesting class and i figured if its fun and i can get college hours for it then why not take it:) YES, i am taking the AP test. Im hoping to score a 4 on the test. Im interested in learning of why people react the way they do in different situations, good and bad. and i aint stressin or hesitant bout nothin this year:)

Whitney R said...

I am in psychology because i heard it was a lot of fun and very interesting. I will be taking the AP test and hope to get a 4, but a 5 would be awesome! i am looking forward to learning about peoples personalities and why they act the way they do. I am worried about taking all the notes and memorizing all the information but i think it will be a great year!

Unknown said...

I am in AP Psychology this year because I want to be a Nurse, and Psychology is one the classes required at TCU for Nursing. I plan on taking the AP test. I am setting myself a goal of a 4 on the test. This year, I look forward to learning about new things, and fun mind games! I am not afraid of anything for this year! It is going to be a great year!

Brian L said...

I'm in this class because I've heard from several people how interesting it is and how much you learn. I am going to take the AP test, and I want to make a 4, but somehow I might just settle for a 5. I'm looking forward to the demos and activities.

Dixie H said...

Honestly, I got into this class because I loved being in your Spanish class my Freshman year, and Nathan Havens told me I would like Psychology too. I will definitely be taking the AP test and I hope to earn a 4 or 5. I'm looking forward to a lot of class interaction and really being able to disect why different people act certain ways toward situations. I have already been able to apply what we have learned so far to everyday situations and I can't wait to see what else comes up from day to day. I am a little apprehensive about the notes we will be taking, but other than that, I'm just ready to enjoy senior year and make the most of this class.

Leanne L said...

I am in AP Pyschology because I am fascinated by human interaction and the human mind, particularly subconscious thought processes. I do plan on taking the AP Exam in May and WILL score a 5, I refuse to set my goals for anything less than the best. I'm excited to learn about emotions and interpretting emotions, as I feel that this will help with my success in law. I am mildly concerned about taking effective and concise notes without excluding important information, but otherwise I think the class is really fun!

NinaA said...

I am in this class because I am absolutely in love with psychology! I am going to be taking the AP test and I am determinded to make a 4, but a 5 I can definitely live with. I am looking forward to fun games and observations we get to do in class. I'm nervous about finding out what personality I have, and also taking lots of notes!

Eric S said...

I am in Psychology because my schedule got messed up and I had to choose a class so i chose psychology because I heard it was interesting and it can hopefully get me an AP credit. I do plan on taking the AP exam and doing very well on it. Im not really hoping to learning anything specifically but just psychology as a whole. I dont like taking notes so well see how that goes but im looking forward to this year.

Unknown said...

I'm in pshchology because all my friends have said its a great class to take, and that you have alot of fun while in the class. I will take the test and I'm aiming for a four but a five would be awesome. To really having a fun year and learning some intresting things in pschology. No I'm not afraid or hesitant about anything because i feel confident about this year.

Unknown said...

I am in this class because my id, ego, and superego are instinctively drawn to it.
I will take the AP test and nothing less than a five will be acceptable because I am the best.
Being in a class with the best teacher ever of course. Not to mention all that learning i'm anxiously waiting for.
I am hesitant with no subject. I embrace every challenge and conquer them all effortlessly.
Any more questions? I thought not.

Jer_Bear said...

The reason I am taking AP psychology is because I enjoy figuring out how things work, the reasons people think and act the way they do. Of course I plan on taking the AP exam, and hopefully will achieve a four, maybe even a five. I am not particularly looking forward to any single part of this class, I find the whole concept so interesting. The only thing I'm afraid of would be work outside of class, since I have a terrible procrastination habit

ReesesX said...

I am in this class because I love psychology and how the mind works. I always thought it was interesting to learn about behaviors and why people do things. I plan on taking this test. I plan on getting a 3 or more. I'm looking forward to just learning about the brain and why people do things. I'm afraid of statistics and anything math related. :]

Derek B said...

I am in AP Psycology this year because I'm interested in learning all about the different ways the mind works. Knowing Psycology well would help out my desired career choice in law enforcement. I will be taking the AP test, and I plan on making a 4 preferably a 5, but either score would be awsome. I am looking foward to learn what goes on in my brain, and others as well. I'm afraid of some of the tests we will take in the class because it's an AP class and taking AP tests will be a bit of a challenge for me. Getting good grades will be key to my success in the class.

Anonymous said...

I'm taking psychology because a lot of my friends said that the class was a lot of fun and also because I want to learn about the mind, and why people do the things they do. I am going to take the AP test, and I hope to get a 4 or 5. I'm looking forward to learning about how the brain functions and learning why people do things. I'm hesitant because it takes me longer to memorize things, and I hope that I can keep all of the information memorized for the AP test.

Shelby said...

When I signed up for Psychology I honestly wasn't in it for anything specific but to learn something new. I now honestly am in this class because it's something I enjoy learning about and am looking to minor in when I go to college. I'm planning on taking the AP test and am going to do my best on trying to make a 5 but I'll be fine with a 4. I'm looking forward to learning more about the human brain and why/how people think and do what they do. I'm not really sure what i'm afraid of right now but I know in time as this year goes on I'm sure something will fly in scare me, haha. I'm so excited about this class and i can't wait to see what all goes on with it this year :)

Paige A said...

I am taking AP pschology beacuse I am very intersted in the study of the mind. I will be taking the AP test and hope to score a 4. I am looking forward to studying motives and behavioral studies. I am very excited for the year and hope to dive right in without hesitation or fear. :)

Unknown said...

I decided to take Psychology this year because pyschology envolves a subject that I have had interest in for many years, anthropology. I also like to know what makes people tick. In addition I want to take this course to learn more about myself. I'm still on the fence about if I plan to take the AP exam but I'm starting to lean towards a "yes" more than anything else. If I take the exam I at least want to achieve a 4 but a 5 is what I really want. I was told by a previous student, a friend of mine, that this course is a very interesting, fun-filled, and very intellectual course. I can't wait to learn everything I can about the subject of psychology and hopefully be able to pursue more on what ever else this knowledge leads me to. One thing I'm iffy about in the upcoming year is if I will be able to keep up or even comprehend any of the material. I don't want to fall behind. Luckly though, my friend that already took this class is willing to help me out so I'm sure I'll be fine.

MC G-Singh said...

I'm in this class because as a musician I thought it'd be key to understand what goes through a listener's mind. Psychology has a lot to do with music so I wanted to take it so I can get into Music Psychology in a few years. I'll take the AP test and if I put my mind to it I'll probably get a 4 or 5. I'm looking forward to understanding what makes a person tick, what makes them think, and what makes them connect with other people. I don't think I'm afraid of anything this year but we'll have to see how things go down to be sure.

Unknown said...

I heard it was a great class and psychology has always interested me! Yes, and i hope to get a four at least. I'm looking forward to theatre, swimming, softball, and graduation. I am a little nervous about everything but I feel its a good thing. I realize that my comment is late but for some reason I was thinking that it was due today... :/ but i promise it wont happen again! sorry!

Unknown said...

--->Are you afraid of anything or hesitant about anything this year?
I decided to take psychology because i heard it was lots of fun! And because i plan on majoring in either psychology or psychiatry; I haven't decided yet. I do plan on taking the AP test and I hope to at least get a 4 on it. If not a 4 then definitely a 5! I'm looking forward to all of the fun demonstrations I have heard about since I was a freshman. I'm only afraid that I won't be able to understand some of the things that we will cover this year.

marydb said...

I decided to take psychology because I think the way people think and why they do what they do is really interesting. I think psychology is applicable to almost any career, so I wanted to be able to use psychology everyday to understand people in my life. I'm kind of disappointed that some of the colleges I am considering do not accept AP scores because I have taken a lot of AP classes so far, which seems like a waste of time now. I didn't take the class in order to get college credit, I took it because I was interested in Psychology. I know the class is focused on the AP test, so I will most likely end up taking the AP test despite this. If I study hard and focus on Psychology, I think I can make at least a 3 on the AP test. This year I am looking forward to learning about human nature and the reasons for our tendencies and behaviors. I think I want to be a doctor, so I am also interested in the biological part of Psychology and the study of the brain. I am worried about how many hard classes I ended up taking this year, especially in second semester after I get accepted to college and I'm not as motivated.

CowgirlKW said...

I am in AP Psychology because my brother took it two years ago and liked it and said it was an interesting class so I decided to sign up for it. I do plan on taking the AP exam in May so I can have collage credits and to see how high I can score. I am looking forward to the fun tests and different activities we are going to do. I am worried about the AP semester and how hard it is going to be and the AP exam when it comes along.

My internet was not working when you said this blog was due so I told you in class and you said that it would be alright as long as I reminded you that we had talked about it in class. Thanks Kelly

John R said...

I am in psychology because I thought it would be an interesting class. I do plan on taking the AP test and hope to score a 4 on it. I am looking forward learning about how people react to things and why.

kaylahair said...

I am in psychology this year b.c i have heard really great things about it. That even though it is really difficult and all that it is a great class! I am also trying to figure out what i may want to look closer into when i go to college so i thought that by taking this class it would give me more options. I do plan on taking the AP exam in May. I would love to score a 5 i really think i could too. I will accept a 4 but no lower. I have really high standards for myself but thats only so that i can achieve them. Im looking forward to leaning things about the brain and being able to look at someone and to recognize their personality and other things. Im afraid that the exam may be a little more challenging than i expect but im sure ill be prepared.