Friday, November 30, 2007

Multiple Intelligences

Okay, this is what you need to do...I know, I know, it's been forever, but here it is! I need you to get on this website. Take the mulitiple intelligences test and figure out your dominant intelligence(s). After reading up on this, look back and look for examples in your life that confirm your dominant intelligence(s). The test takes about five minutes...


Anonymous said...

Alrighty then. So I took the test, and according to it, I am equally Musical, Intrapersonal & Interpersonal. These three intelligancies were completely equal. My lowest scoring intelligance, was Naturalistic.

Musical(About 37): Oh so very true.Having my dad be a Band Director, and my mom a music major, i was around music all the time. Pointing out instruments, marking time, all of it comes very easily and Naturally for me.

Intrapersonal(About 37): Pretty true. I know me. Or i feel i know myself. I always have been self-confident, and definately self assured in life. Nothing to ask myself.

Interpersonal(About 37): This I agree with almost more than Musical. I am so awesome at picking out how someone feels from various things. For example, If I am texting with someone, and usually they give me long wordy answers, but yet they are reccently giving me short, agressive answers, something is wrong. I can also tell a persons tone right away without question. SOmetimes I can even figure out the exact problem, just by asking a few irrelavent questions. I love myself.

Naturalistic(About 15): OMG. I ahve no idea what type of trees there are in the world. And personally, as long as one doesn't fall on me, I don't care.

My other scores were as follows:
Kinastetic: About 25
Linguistic: About 30
Logical: About 17
Visual/Spatial: About 35

KarleyA said...

When I took the test I found that my dominant intelligences are musical, intrapersonal and interpersonal. I am mostly musically intelligent (almost completely), and then intra and interpersonal. Examples in my life:
Musical - this one is pretty obvious. I love music and everything that has to do with music, I have since I was born. Pretty much the meaning of life. I grew up around music and its basically what I breathe.
Intrapersonal - because I'm an introvert, I keep my thoughts to myself a lot and I know myself pretty well. When I was younger I kept to myself and didn't have many oppotunities to become an extremely outgoing person, so I know my own self very well.
Interpersonal - I know myself pretty well, and because of watching, listening and observing people I've learned to interpret feelings through actions, tones through someone's eyes, and I can usually tell many things about a person by the way they carry themselves, speak, walk, etc. Also, another way I've learned to be this way comes from my mom being a definite people-person, so I've picked that up from her; now I can be outgoing if I want, or keep to myself.

DillonK said...

According to the test, I an mostly musical smart. Next 3 in line were Word Smart, Intrapersonal Smart and Kinasthetic Smart.

Musical~ Well I have always taken a liking to music. I used to play an instrument, but i no longer play it. I love to sing and I can remember songs pretty quick.

Word Smart~ I have been exposed to words for my whole life. I love using sophisticated words and learning new ones. I also put the words to use in poetry.

Intrapersonal Smart~ I have always known how I felt and how to deal with it. I always tell myself that I can succeed in what I do.

Kinaesthetic Smart~ I have been able to tell how someone is feeling or what they are trying to say just by observing their body language. People have been shocked when I guessed what has been troubling them when they never even said anything.

AshleyC said...

My most dominant intelligence was Interpersonal. This is so true because i love being around people and making relationships with people. i hate feeling along so im always trying to find people to connect with. My second dominant intelligence was Logical. One of my greatest strengths is math and i work really well with numbers. i can easily do caluclations in my head and work out word problems. My third dominant intelligence is Intrapersonal. I feel like I know myself pretty well but i know that i can often figure out others peoples feelings easier than i can figure out my own. That's probably why its not one of my first two.

joseph_wck said...
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joseph_wck said...

I took the test and the results were as follows; naturalistic(17), kinaestetic (16), Visual/Spatial(17), Itrapersonal (14), interpersonal(14), music (10), logical (11), and linguistic (7).

I believe that this was relatively close to what I am. I mean i can see how I am naturalistic, I like to go hunting. And i still can enjoy just being out there, even if i did not get anything. I just like to be out there, and being a hunter i need to know what different animals and types of birds, and types of plants so i believe that this could be me.

I am not quite sure how prominent I am in one or the other out of what i scored, but they all seemed to be close (at least the first 5).

SaraD said...

According to the test, I am primarily kinesthetically and interpersonally intelligent. I would say this test is fairly accurate. I love both playing and watching sports of all kinds, and I learn best by actually doing an activity, therefore proving that I am "body smart." Secondly, I was diagnosed as interpersonally smart, which I would again agree with. I enjoy interacting with others and can usually read how a person is feeling with a glance.

Ari said...

When I took the Multiple Intelligence test it said that my inteligences are logical,intrapersonal, interpersonal. I really agree with this results because I think that I do very good with numbers and it is very easy for me to understand things like that and solve problems. I know my self very, very good and I know my strenghts and weaknesses. I know my self pretty good. I also like to interact with people.
Well this are my intelligences.

Taylor A said...

According to the test, my top intelligences were logical and interpersonal. I would agree that logical is one of my dominant intelligences because math has always been one of my best subjects in school. I don't think that interpersonal would be as strong, although I am usually able to tell how people are feeling based on their behavior. My lowest intellegences were naturalistic and kinaesthetic which I would also agree with since I'm clumsy and know nothing about nature.

Unknown said...

My test results showed that I scored the highest in Linguistics, then followed Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, which were about the same and then logical.
This proves true, for example I used to compete in the UIL Creative Writing and placed in that and I still compete in the UIL Spelling Competition. Following behind English, math has always come fairly easy to me in school, and numbers generally make sense to me. I also know myself well, and I love being around other people.

AshtonA said...

Interpersonal(people smart)score=23
Interpersonal intelligence aka"street smarts".Fortunately for me this is my strongest attribute. I've always been a people person ever since I was a young child.Iactually enjoy coming to school just so I can be around people.More times than not I make good impressions on parents because of my ability to carry on a conversation.If i were to be put in a box with 10 different people before it was all said and done every person in that room would have an opinion about me.Im very pleased to have the ability to have the gift to communicate with people.

AshtonA said...

Kinesthetic(body smart)score=23
I would say this quality applies to me.The more I think about it the more I become aware of it.I always use my hands while having a conversation.Often times I tend to make facial expressions while talking to others.I'm very health concious of what I eat and getting adequite exercise.Other things I enjoy doing is mowing the yard,chopping fire wood,and cooking. Knowing your body is a healthy quality.

Anonymous said...

My dominant intelligences were Intrapersonal, Lingisitic, and Logical.

Intrapersonal - I know what I'm going to do next, how I'd react to a situation, and what causes me to do or say certain things. Sometimes its a bother but usually it helps in preparing or avoiding a certain situation.
I've noticed this a lot when dealing with my friends and how I interact with them.

Linguistic - I love to read and debate but one example I have of this is Freshman year when we read Romeo and Juliet, the class kept calling on me to read because I was the only one who knew how to pronounce the words.

Logical - ummmm, not so much. I do like having things listed out in order of importance but when it comes down to the science of things and math...well, I'd much rather not.

abby p said...

According to the test I am predominatly Linguistic, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal intelligent.

Linguistic: This is pretty true. I scored my highest SAT score on the reading part of the test. I might not know a specific definition buut i can use context clues well.

Interpersonal: I believe i can read people very well. if someone is having a bad day i know not to be all happy and "in their face".

Intrapersonal: I believe many people scored high on this because like me they are aware of themselves and their strengths and weaknesses. I know when to speak up in conversations or when to keep to myself. I know my limits in certain situations and feel i have good self control.

Bea said...

When I took the test I found out that my dominant intelligences are logical and interpersonal. I think this test is right about me.

Logical (25) I like working with numbers I have always liked math. Ever since I could remember. Even though I might have some problems with math I still want to keep learning and be able to understand it.

Interpersonal (25) I know my friends very well I can tell when some thing is wrong and no one else notices. I feel I know people well because I observe them and I can tell a lot by just looking at a person. And I spend a lot of time with people like at work I see lots of people in one day.

Interpersonal (23) I would say I know myself very well.

Visual/Spatial (23) when I think about thinks that happened I see a picture of what ever it is I am thinking about.

Linguistic (23) I think I am good with words I can describe things easily.

Kinaesthetic (21) I know the body well I would say.i would like to learn more about it.

Naturalistic (17) I don’t really know a lot about nature but I would like to learn more about it.

Musical (17) I don’t know how to play an instrument but I do like to listen to music a lot.

I think this is a good test for people to take.

DavidC said...

Well my results were a little surprising to me but after i thought about it a while i kinda figured out that it was mostly true. Here's the scores

Visual/Spatial 22 Naturalistic 14, Kinesthetic 19, Linguistic 10, Logical 13, Interpersonal 17, Intrapersonal 16, and Musical 16.
These were mostly true about me, some of the numbers seemed to be a little low in some places but...

Visual- Well im not sure how im picture smart but i am pretty good at interpreting things.
Kinesthetic- I guess that im pretty smart about telling things about the body language of others.
Interpersonal- all the other scores kinda back this one up so... yeah i pretty good at reading people.
Intrapersonal- I am self aware of myself and always have been.

Anonymous said...

After taking the test, my results showed that my intelligence is equally interpersonal and visual/spatial.

Interpersonal - I have always loved being around people. I rather be out doing something with friends than be sitting home being by myself. I have more fun being around people.

Visual/Spatial - I am probably this kind of intelligence because I learn things better when I visually see them. When something is showed to me I grasp it faster than I would having someone explain it to me.

Ryan Aaron said...

My top 3 were interpersonal (20) intrapersonal (19) and a tie between kinaesthetic and logical (17) and my lows were naturalistic and visual at (15) so i would say its fairly accurate. I like helping people but im not sure if its my strength. Then my lows are fairly accurate i suppose, i am definantly not a naturalistic person.

ashleyneal said...

I took the test and I am most intrapersonal. The next in line were visual/spacial, Kinaesthetic, and Naturalistic. My lowest score was Linguistic.

Intrapersonal- I have always spent alot of time analyzing myself and why i do and feel the way i do. Ever since i was little i felt that it was important to understand who i am and what i am about.

Visual/ spacial- I spent alot of my time growing taking art classes and drawing. I still love to draw, paint, and pretty much create anything. I love desgin and I plan to study fashion in college.

Kinaesthetic- I love sports and used to be a hardcore athlete ...back in the day lol. I still LOVE soccer and doing things outdoors. I believe your body is a tool and i like to challenge myself physically.

Naturalistic- I LOVE nature. i love to be outside doing anything at all. I was african american when i was little because i was always out in the sun lol! I think nature has a definate impact on our mood and outlook on life. I also find that things found in nature are the most beautiful things in life like flowers and mountains.

Linguistic( my lowest score)- haha about that... I gues i just dont really pay that much attention to sounds that people have randomly decided to attach meanings to... the more words we have the lazier we seem because we just want one word to describe anything instead of using adjectives. words are just shortcuts...

Unknown said...

Well... Ok The test said that musical was my highest which is true cuz like i play the guitar(kinda) and i sing(badly) and i remember alot of songs.
Then it said that i was more people smart than me smart which is possible b/c i still trying to "find" myself.
My lowest was nature smart which is ABSOLUTELY true cuz i dislike camping and i can't tell a robin froma blue jay.
So, yeah, those are the jists of my scores.

annw said...

my test results said that my highest intelligance was linguistic. next was a tie between Kinesthetic, music, and myself.

linguistic(28); i guess this is true since i think in bigger words than what i actually say in real life. i also type or write in more detailed ways then how i conduct speach. i've written about 7 stories over the past 4 years, so i've had lot's of practice getting my vocabulary and grammar down.

Kinesthetic(20); ...uh...i'm guessing this applies to how i use my hands when i talk, how i can type fast, and draw well. otherwise, i don't quite get how this expresses my abilities.

Musical(20); ehhh. i was in a hand selected, state choir type thing in 5th grade i guess this is true. i do love picking out instruments from songs, but really other than singing i don't really have a clue what i'm doing in the musical feild.

Myself(20); this is really the only one, beside linguistic, that i truely believe. i'm very much intune with my own psyche. i can tell what emotion i'm feeling even if ive never heard of it or felt it before and i always know how to search myself. i know my faults very well, yet haven't figured out how to fix the current ones at the time being.

all in all, i don't think this quiz told my alot about myself. 1) because the results i got weren't too accurate and 2) because the ones i didn't get mostly described me completely, such as visual/picture. my lowest scoring intellegigance was logic, which i can beleive...heh...

ok, the end.

codyw said...

According to the test, my visual and interpersonal scores were the highest. I would say that's somewhat true because I like to picture a lot of the things I think about and enjoy visual learning better than other types. And the interpersonal score, I’m not so sure on. I can tell the obvious moods of people just like everyone else but besides the obvious facial expressions, I wouldn’t say I’m great at catching other peoples mood and feelings.

DevinO said...

So when i took the test i scored the highest on intrapersonal and interpersonal. I scored the lowest in Naturalistic and Visual/Spatial.

Intrapersonal(20): This is true because i think i know myself fairly well.

Interpersonal(19): This is very true because i am generally a people person and enjoy making people laugh.

Musical(19): This is fairly true. I play the flute and can read music to an extent. I love music but am not incredibly gifted at playing instruments.

next were:
Linguistic(16), Kinasthetic(14), Logical(13), Visual/Spatial(11), Naturalistic(11).

Naturalistic(11): This one i can totally understand. I dont like bugs or know anything about nature.

jeffS said...

After taking the test, my top 3 results were musical(21), visual(20), and logical(20). My other five? Well, let's just forget those even happened. :)

Musical- I have always felt like I've had some sort of natural rhythm, although not solely in a musical sense. The best examples that may come to mind would be counting off seconds, keeping time with a dripping faucet, or even noticing that my footsteps seem to be evenly timed.

Visual- I seem to learn something best when it is all laid out in front of me, where there are no surprises and I can see what is literally going on in any situation.

Logical- I consider myself pretty level headed and able to follow a train of thought. I can realize that (1) results in (5), because in reality, (1) causes (2), (2) causes (3), (3) causes (4), and (4) causes (5).

If you managed to follow that last doozy, good job!

killian said...

According to the test, I an mostly Inter and Intrapersonal. Next two were Logical, and Kinaesthetic.

Interpersonal~ I've always been pretty friendly and so I guess im people smart. I can tell whats going on with people.

Intrapersonal~ I guess i know myself pretty well, i do spend a lot of time by myself and I figure things out.

Logical~ I've always been logical and done well in math and problem solving, so this one isn't a big shock.

Kinaesthetic~ I have played sports pretty much all my life so i have good balance/kinaesthetic skills.

daniel s said...

my highest were interpersonal at about 20 and kinasthetic or something like that at like 18. i agree with the kina thing because i like watchin and playin sports. i dont know why im so people smart though.

Anna Pappas said...

Ok so i took the test and my two dominant intelligences were logical and intrapersonal. I believe logical is extremely accuarte because i have always been good at using numbers and symbols to solve puzzles and problems. Also i like to think out everything lie making lists for everything i ahve to do. Also with Intrapersonal i know this is true because i know who i am very well i know my limits and what i can and cant do. in gymnastics and cheerleading i know what i can do and i never risk myself getting hurt because over everyone else i know what i can do and what i definitely cant do. so ya those are my intelligences!

amoss said...

ok so according to "the test" my highest score was a tie between Intrapersonal and Interpersonal. And following that was Visual/Spatial and then Naturalistic.

Intrapersonal(28) This is pretty accurate, I know myself real well, I know how I will react to a certain situation, not really random.

Interpersonal(28) This is also accurate, I am really good at determining what kind of mood a person is in just by watching there actions.

Visual/Spatial(23) This is true, I find it alot easier to remember a place if I have actually been there and seen it in person rather than someone trying to explain what it looks like.

Naturalistic(21) This is also true, I enjoy doing things outside rather than just staying inside. Alot of activities I do take place outside like hunting riding motocross and pushing carts at walmart(it's not very fun but it's better than being inside that place all day)

tgilton said...

Well, i found the test to be farily accurate. I scored lowest on natualistic followed by kinaestetic and interpersonal. I do not think the kinaestetic was accurate because i used to have scholorships to play water polo at the Rosebowl in LA. I somewhat agree with the interpersonal, seeing as i like to spend most of my time by myself. I scored high on musical, which makes sense because i can play Guitar (jazz/classical) and the pipe organ. I scored moderately high on visual/spatial. My highest scores were in linguistic and logical which makes sense because i spend my time teaching myself calculus and writing 40 page research papers in philosophy.

Jarnail said...

So I took the test and did the blog. =]
I think that the results of my test were pretty good to how i really am. I also had a 3 equal scores from KINAESTHETIC LOGICAL and VISUAL/SPATIAL. Here are my scores from highest to lowest.

INTERPERSONAL(24)-My top score. I think I am really "people smart" because I can get along with almost any body and have a good conversation with them. I also like to be around people and just hang out and talk with them.

INTRAPERSONAL(19)- I am in a way "myself smart", I know what my strenghs and weaknesses are pretty well. I can see something and know if I am capable of doing it or not.

KINAESTHETIC(18)-I think that I am very "body smart" because i love sports and i am very competitive. I like to work out when i can and just playing my favorite sports.

LOGICAL(18)- I am sometimes "number smart" I good at some math problems. I really like to do puzzle or word searches alot too.

VISUAL/SPATIAL(18)- I think i am very "picture smart". I am a visual person and I like to see how to do something than be told how to do it. I like to play those games where you have to find your way out of the maze alot. I can remember how people look better than I remember their names sometimes.

LINGUISTIC(16)- "word smart" i think I am a little because I can write the right things down when it is needed.

MUSICAL(14)- I am not much "music sport". I love to listen to music alot but I am not much of a musican.

NATURALISTIC(11)-My lowest score. I don't know much about plants or trees. I like animals alot but I just don't know much about the nature life.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

According to the test, my dominant intelligences are interpersonal, intrapersonal, and musical.

Interpersonal: This is true because I enjoy hangout with other people, and forming relationships with them.

Intrapersonal: This is true because I know my strengths and weaknesses and am able to use them to my advantage.

Musical: This is true; I have played the clarinet for a little over six year and a member of the school band. I also am almost always listening to some form of music, weather it be a blasting radio in my car, or my grandmother’s music box every night before I go to bed. Music greatly affects my mood, and I wouldn't be the same person without it.