Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Expectations about the future

Imagine what your future will be like. Will you get married? When? Give a specific age. To what kind of person will you get married? Will you have children? A career? What will your career be? How far will you advance in your career? What will you be known for? Will you coach your child's soccer team? Run for the school board? Be a socialite? Talk about your hopes about the future.

The last day to post will be on Sunday, January 20th.


AndrewM said...

My plans for the future are after graduating I plan to attend Quad-C for two years then transfer out to like Texas State or Texas Tech. After I get done with college I will settle into a career. Not really sure what my career will be there are many choices out there. Marrage for me would probably be when I am around the age of 27 or 28. I want to make sure that I have a good steady income before I decide to get married. I'm aiming to have at the most 3 kids. I am more of a family person so I wouldn't let my work get in the way of spending time with my family. If I don't already have this before I get married then by 34 I would like to move to Florida and buy a house on the beach. That is pretty much my ultimate goal. A house on the beach would be pretty awsome. When I hit the age of 57-60 I will retire and just live out the rest of my life at my dream house and just chill.

Taylor A said...

After high school, I want to go to UT and major in business, then go to law school. I hope to eventually become a partner or open my own law firm. I plan on getting married when I'm 23-25 to someone who works really hard and will take care of me, but I never want to have any children.

KarleyA said...

I plan to go to UNT and major in musical theatre or something similiar. I would love to live in New York for a while, getting jobs on the stage and just living. I want to travel before I get married and start a family, maybe Europe and learn a few laguages. Once I have a somewhat steady job, I want to get married around the age of 27 to a very hard-working man who can cook, is very creative and musical and religious and who would be a great father. I want to have children (and even adopt) but continue performing for as long as I can and still be a good mother. I also think I would like to be a missionary or something religious-based after I retire. I want to be known as a great mom, a passionate performer, a devoted wife, and an inspiring Christian. There are many other things I would like to do career wise, such as publish a poetry book and run a business. So I think I will find a way to mold everything together and do it all. I've always dreamed that when I grow old I will have a little white cottage with a little white fence and all my grandchildren will come visit me...maybe I'll live in Virginia. We'll see.

SaraD said...

After I graduate, I am going to attend UNT and run for the MEAN GREEN Eagles. I plan to major in business. After I graduate from UNT, I will either get a job or immediately go for my MBA. Following that I plan on living in some city for awhile before I get married, maybe Boston, maybe Chicago, I'm not quite sure yet. I also want to travel. I want to see practically everything. When I meet the man of my dreams somewhere in the middle of all this (25-27) everything will change. He has to be tall, smart, funny, good with kids, sensitive, definitely attractive, with shaggy hair or short, but not buzzed. After I'm married, I want to live in Colorado in the mountains. Preferably in this little town that is on the road up to Winter Park. I'm not sure how many kids yet, but I'm pretty positive that kids would make me happy. Then I'll grow old, and I guess that's it.

LosingIt! said...

After high school, i plan to go to college. I'm not quite sure what I want to major in yet, maybe business. I plan on getting married in my twenties sometime and having 2 children, at the most 3. I hope to marry someone who is a hard worker but won't let their job get in the way of family.

AshtonA. said...

As an eighteen yr. old man, I have the whole world in front of me. I have great standards and expectations of myself. For starters I definitely want to do the whole college scene. I’m looking forward to that. Then soon after I want to establish myself in my career field, I intend on owning my own business. With tremendous hard work and good decision making I will be very successful at whatever it is I decide to pursue. When I feel I’m financially and mentally ready I’ll settle down, meet an amazing woman and start a family. I want to be a good father and husband, live a prosperous and happy life. I couldn’t ask for more than that.

AshleyC said...

Once I graduate, I plan to attend Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas. I plan to get my bachelors in marketing in three years and stay at Harding to attain my masters for another two years. I Hope to get married when I'm 22, before I get my masters. I hope to marry a man who has huge goals for life, morals and values parallel to mine, and the same religious outlook. I hope to have 3
kids and if i have kids subsequently after I get married, I would prefer not to have a career. Rather I want to be the ultimate soccer mom with major influence in PTA (lol) and my childrens lives. I hope to have a really close family who can depend and support each other. Eventually, after all my children graduate college (none of this taking a year of two off business), I hope that my husband can retire and we can do some kind of mission work.

Ryan Aaron said...

My future after college will be settling into what ever career i decided on which is a puzzling experience for me at the moment. What ever i do of course i will do what it takes to excell as long as i enjoy my job (which im hoping i will) and kinda settle down possibley get married around 28 not a huge rush cause my 20s are going to be a lot of fun but i do want to get married eventually. At the moment i think i would like to have 2 kids after i turn 30 and have a couple years of marriage under my belt to make sure things are settled then after that my life will be consumed by my job and kids lol

Anonymous said...

After I graduate, I'm going to the University of Oklahoma. My major is psychology and a minor in business. I plan to become an educational psychologist or industrial/organizational psychologist. After college, I want to be able to support myself before I get married. I want to settle down with a gentleman; someone that respects me and my values, makes me laugh, who's good looking, successful, and who doesn't have everything in common with me. This will hopefully be around the age of 26-28. After a few years of marriage, I would like to have kids, preferably two, but no more than that. I will probably end up living around here, or up near Norman, Oklahoma.

Unknown said...

After I graduate, I want to get a masters in either psychology or business management and at either Texas A&M or USC. Sometime between 23-25 I want to get married, and probably a year or two after that start having kids. Probably 3. And I dont know if I want a career or be a stay at home mom, I'm not sure yet. If at all possible, I want to be a part time missionary in Africa and after my husband retires move there.

abby p said...

After high school i plan on playing basketball somewhere, im not sure the school but i definately want to stay in Texas. I want to get a good degree and yes find a husband by the time i graduate:). I really don't know what kind of job i want, but i want to take my time looking. I know i want to travel before i settle down but i'll raise my family (2-3 kids maybe) in Texas for sure. I really like to take every day as it comes so this assignment is kind of hard for me. All I know is that whatever i do, i'll be happy.

_jordan said...

To start things off: The possibilities are, of course, endless.

But like everyone else, i plan on going to college. these days it seems like it's not only a choice but a requirement for respect. Though I have no plan on where I want to go, i'm sure that i want to go... and i'm aiming to major in art. i don't know specifically what type of arts, but assuming that I do graduate, with the mindset i have at the moment, i will major in the arts. my intense fascination with all types of art keeps me on that road towards a career in that field.

again, assuming that i do graduate, i'd just like to find an enjoyable job once i get out of college. i would prefer it to be directly tied into arts, but i enjoy spontaneity, so wherever my life takes me is where i'll go. and honestly, i'm tired of hearing about the "american dream" of graduating, achieving some way up there position in a career, or maybe starting a business and a family, living in a nice house with a stable lifestyle and maybe a few vacations around the world here and there (once enough money is gathered up from a fantastic career of course). that is NOT what i want.

but, i do have dreams. my real dreams are dreams of becoming "something" in music. whether it's heard around the world or not, my greatest wish is that i can make a living off of music. and yes, when the time comes, i'd enjoy being married; hopefully to the right person. and i would enjoy having kids... but way later in my life... who knows when.

and deep down in the back of my mind i'd like to live a hard life before i live an easy one. not necessarily one of hard work, but one where i have to go through some pretty bad times... some suffering. i'd like to experience all that there is to experience, highs and lows of life; you know, get everything out of it that i can.

so that's the best i can give you.
a lot is likely to change in the future, and really, it's hard to make a life plan work, but like i said earlier, wherever life takes me, is where i'll go... and willingly too. :]

Tanja said...

Well, first of all I will go back to Germany and I have two more years of school there. After graduating I have almost 4 months off and so I will probably come back to the US or travel somewhere else. I definitely want to go to University (in Munich) and study at least one semester abroad.I don't know what exactly I want to do, but I strongly favor a job in one of the German embassies around the world, because that includes moving every 3-4 years to a different country. Getting married is not one of my priorities in life, but if I found the right man, I'd probably
marry him when I am ~ 30 years. I also haven't decided on children. At the moment I don't really want any children, but just like everything in life, this can change really quickly. My retirement years will be full of traveling (so I hope that if I found a husband he'll be rich enough to afford all this traveling^^) and getting to know all the different cultures.

Unknown said...

Once I graduate High school, I want to travel across Europe for a couple of months. After i want to go to college. If I could go anywhere it would probably be USC. However I will end up staying in Texas going to QuadC then UT. I don't know what i want to do for a living, nothing really calls to me. All I know is that i don't want a job I hate. I think i want to something with the film industry, just not act(maybe). Once I gradute i want to date around til I'm 23 then get into a serious relationship and get married by 25. The kids thing is tricky b/c I want to be a young mother but not necessary get married first, like, i have a kid then get married to the dad, like my parents. OH NO! I'm turning into my parents! I want two kids that i give birth to. THen i want to adopt one. But i don't want to adopt a baby i want to adopt 11-12 yr. old. I think they really need to be adopted and loved and cared for so they know someone cares. lso, childbirth is painful but I won't know because I will be full of After the kids i think I'll be a stay at home mom and be the duitful wife and greet hubby at the door and drink in my hand and listen to him whine about his day b/c it really is all about him. Once the kids are gone my husband and I will again travel to Europe and by an Italian Villa next to George Clooney b/c we're rich.

joseph_wck said...

After high school, I will most likely be going to a college, not sure where yet though. I will probably get married, and possible have children but not more than 1 maybe 2. I have not decided on a major for college yet nor a career. I will def not coach any soccer team nor probably have my child play it, I'm not sure what i will be known for at all, if I'm even known. I may run for the school board just so i could finally say something about how stupid some of the rules some schools...decided to come up with. But other than that I hope to have a decent job, probably live somewhere rural but where i still have a big city within an hour, so i could easily go to things there. I would not want a huge house or anything but would hope i had a very good job where I could constantly advance, and know that it will be there in a year.

KelseyM said...

I Plan to continue taking classes at CCCC then I plan to transfer to UTD and finish my degree in either marketing or advertising with minors in Psychology and possibly Spanish. After that I plan to settle into my career and possibly getting married, but not too soon. I want to enjoy life on my own and know what I really want before I just “do what all my friends are doing” When I get married I do plan to raise kids, my own, adopted ones, or maybe both. However I want to be married for 4-6 years before so I can really make sure that i am really dedicated to my marriage. As for my job status after that I see when that happens. I am not God so I don’t know where my life will lead, and although I have a plan I ready for anything.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

After high school, I am going to the University of North Texas and majoring in psychology. I hope to become an educational or developmental psychologist. I plan on getting married around the age of 27 to someone who is dependable, sensitive to my needs, and educated. After at least three years of marriage, I would like to have two kids. I will stay home until both children are in Pre School, and then continue my career.

aneal972 said...

After I graduate High School, I hope to study fashion desgin at UNT for my first year of college and tnen maybe transfer to FIT in New York City to finish my degree. Eventually I want to design my own clothing line and own a shop in New York, but until then I will probly take a job as an assistant desginer. I want to be married by the age of 27 and then have kids by 30. I want to have a boy first ad then a girl. Their names woulld be Chase and Corie :). We would still live in New York, and they will go to private school and then to college where ever they want. I want to retire by the time I am 65 and then open a bakery!!!

ryanv said...

After high school I plan on going to college somewhere out of state. Right now I'm looking at going to OU or LSU, it just depends on who will give me more scholarship money. I plan on majoring in computer science, then I'm thinking about going to law school after that. I think I'll get married sometime after college so anywhere from 25-28 is good for me. As for the type of woman, I'm still trying to figure that out. I plan on having kids a little later than that, when I'm financially stable and ready, so maybe sometime in my late 20's, early 30's. I would like to travel as much as I can, especially around Europe, New Zealand, and even parts of Asia. I think I'd eventually like to end up somewhere warm with a beach. Hopefully I've led a good life by then, and can watch my kids and grand kids grow up from my beach house. That is where I want to finish my life.

JarnailS said...

In my future I can see myself getting married pretty late like around 30-35 because I wanna live life free and not tide down. I know i would eventually get tired of that life and get married with the girlfriend I have been with for years. The type a girl i would marry wouldn't just be the kind that would take care of the kids and cook but also be like a best friend and I can go to when I need someone to talk to. I am most definitely sure I am going to have children, pretty sure I will before I get married too. I would like to have a big family maybe 3 or 4 kids, 2 boys 1 girl or 3 boys and 1 girl. My career choice I am not 100 percent sure about. I really wanna do alot of things but I just dont know which one I would mostly like. I would like to go to college and become someone. I have thought about going to the Navy too but that's my last resort. I am pretty sure I wouldn't coach no soccer team because for one I suck at soccer and Im sure my kids will too. Running for the school board isn't a bad idea, I think i can make the high school alot better and kids would actually like to come.....and eat the "real" food.

daniel s said...

I really dont know what i want to do in the future. I dont know if i want to get married. if i want kids. what to major in in college. i dont even know if i want to go to college. I have no idea.

DevinO said...

After graduating high school i plan on attending CCCC to get my basics and then transfering to a four year college and possibly majoring in psychology. I want to get married in my late twenties to a hardworking but family oreinted man who isnt allergic to horses and have no more than 2 kids after i have been married for a few years. I do not know if i will remain in texas for the rest of my life, but i hope to have a large amount of land with my own stable on it where i will spend my life.

sarahf said...

After high school, i plan on going to UNT for two years and living in an apartment with my boyfriend and his 2 friends. Then hopefully transferring to UT and major in business. At the moment i'm not completely sure what i want to do exactly but i want to be successful. i plan on getting married at the age of 23 or 24. The man i marry will have the same beliefs as i do, who respects me, is responsible, sensitive, can cook, understands me better than anyone, is always there for me, pretty much the prefect guy. oh and who is musically talented. Not really sure if i want to physically have children but i may adopt, because i do like kids.

AnnaP said...

After high school i plan to attend the United States naval Academy. my first summer will be miserable but i will get through it and finish out my four years. I plan on majoring in math then after i graduate become an Naval intelligence officer working with the NSA, FBI, CIA. I will be finished with my 5 years of service when i am 26 years old. I then plan on leaving the service and working with either the NSA, CIA, FBI. I want to get married when im 24 or 25, it really just depends on when i find the right man for me to spend the rest of my life with! i want to have kids when i am 26 or 27. i really want twins but i doubt that will happen =[ my first daughters name will be Krystal and i dont know what i would do if i had a boy! anyways after my children graduate i want to continue working and retire in my 60s!

AustinPoston said...

After I graduate high school I plan to the United States Coast Guard Academy. After i graduate the academy i will serve my four years commitment to the coast guard. I want to be a helicopter pilot. Well i want to get married when i am 25 and have kids by the time im 28. After my kids graduate i want to retire in the mountains with my wife.

LeslieF said...

I may not seem like the person that plans things out but i actually am. so when i graduate high school i will go to CCCC for two years for my basics then ill move to Waco where ill buy a little house or apartment just for me ill transfer to Bailor and study to be an anistigiologist (dont no how to spell) ill pratice that for awhile and then when i have enough money go back to learn to be a pediatrician and a child development pschologist. when im finally settled and am pretty succesful then ill think about marriage earliest will be at 25. He has to be a religious person respective and hardworking my family has to accept him bc to me family is very important. i want two children of my own one boy one girl and i want to adopt one more. ill take a break from my carrer to be with my hisband and children until they can go to school and then go back to working. ill save money for my kids to go to college and to travel when my kids leave. My husband and i will travel alot and maybe even be missionaries and go to jerusalem and places like that. when were too old to travel anymore ill settle down in a little house probably in Austin where i was born and have my grandkids come visit me and keep in touch with my family.

jeffS said...
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jeffS said...

I plan on going to college and getting a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering, and I will most likely move on to graduate school and achieve a PhD. I mean, I only plan on going to college once, so whay not just go all the way? From my perspective, it will just give me greater career oportunities. Towards the end of college, I hope to have built up enough skill playing the guitar to join some band at college that ends up making it big. I've always had a passion for music and always thought it would be great to be on stage creating the music rather than listening to it. After graduating, I imagine I'll land some super-top secret job creating and developing the technolongy of tomorrow. So, I make some stuff, I earn a bunch of money, get married, have some munchkins, and maybe retire up somewhere in the Rockies because I used to love the amazing mountaintop views when I lived in Colorado. After that, I think I'll get a pilot's license and do some hobby flying for the rest of my life.

Jwilliams said...

My plans for the future are to attend UTA where i will major in Nursing. After graduating i will begin my career as an RN for 2 years and then go back for my masters, which will take two years. I will then begin my career as a nurse of anesthesiology. Where i will settle my career at the age of 26. After having a steady career i will then plan on marrying at the age of about 28, and wait to have kids until 30-32. I want to marry someone that will do whatever it takes to make the lives of our kids what it needs to be, and better. Im waiting to get married and have kids until after i establish a finacial foundation, so that i am able to provide for my family. Learning from my parents i will wisely invest my money and retire at a good age.

killiank said...

i plan to finish high school and move on to college. Im not sure what college yet but hopefully a good one. I think i will try to find a good job first and get married after while. I dont want to have kids at first but after some more time and i hopefully have a good secure job, i can settle and have kids. Then after i retire i want to move somewhere warm, maybe florida, and live on the beach.

BGriffitt said...

After school I think I'm probably gonna go to tennessee or south florida, to pursue a degree in marine biology and live on a boat in tampa bay. I'll get married at 21-26 and, I want to have 2-3 kids 2 dogs. I'll try really hard to keep my work from interfering with my home life and, if I do get the dogs I'll try to get italian greyhounds.

dillonk said...

My plans for the future will be to attend Univeristy of Mary Hardin-Baylor after high school and to major in law. After that, I plan to join a law firm as a defense attorney, NOT A PROSECUTOR!!! I don't like prosecutors. When I am around 24 or 25 i will look into serious relationships and marriage. I plan to have kids around 28 or so. I only want 2. Anymore than that and it will be mass destruction at the house. I want a daughter and a son. I plan to keep the job as a lawyer until retirement and I will probably take me and my wife on a trip to Venice or Paris. I guess that's it.

dillonk said...
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trenthavens said...

After graduation I plan on being an intern for our youth minister at our church, which I have already began preparing and studying for, over the summer. I will attend Hardin Simmons University in Abilene where I will major in theology as well as communications and minor in business. I would eventually like to become a youth minister or a worship leader, but anyway to serve a church would be nice. I would like to marry at a fairly young age such as 23-24 and be a young dad. For some reason I've always wanted to start a beautiful family at a young age. I will let my future wife decide on how many kids she would like to have because whatever she wants is okay with me! I will most deffinatly stay in Texas because I have lived my whole life here and can't picture myself anywhere else. As a minister of some sort i guess there is theoretically no retirement because there is always a chance to minister to others no matter how old you may live to be.

Bea said...

My plans after high school is to go to Collin County Community College in Plano. And move out of my house to live in the apartments right next to the school. I will take my basic classes and then transfer to UNT and maybe study business and psychology. I am not sure what career I will be doing but I want something that I will like and pays well. I also would like to travel around the world before I get married. I would like to get married at around the age 25. I want to get married to someone who is a hard worker, has a great personality, good looking, can make me laugh, and someone that will take care of me. I would like to have 2 kids. And be a stay at home mom after having my kids. I would like to stay in Texas but well see.

Unknown said...

Well, after graduation I plan to go to quad c for a year to get basics out of the way, and then transfer to a university and major in environmental science. As careers go, I would like to do research for a private organization and do as much as I can to help the evironment. I would like to be known as a major contributor to the environmental health of our world in some way and maybe discover something that makes life much more enjoyable to live. Once I get out of college and get settled in a career I plan to get married around the age of 28-32. My perfect wife would be someone who loves me for who I am and shares common interests with, someone who laughs a lot and cares about the simple things in life, someone who enjoys what they have in life and makes the best any situation. We will definitely have kids. 2-3 of them. As a parent I want to be very active in my childrens lives and give them the perfect childhood with as many opportunities for success as possible. I don't know about couching, but I will come to every one of their games, or as many as I can. As for retirment, I hope to have all the kids out of the house and be retired by the age of 60, and then begin traveling all over the world with my wife. Big dreams. I hope atleast half of them come true.

zohras said...

My plan after graduation is to go to UT business school adn graduate with my masters in business marketing ad fianance. I plan on getting married right out of college or during my last year or so, at least by 24. I do not plan to have kids right away, wait until about 26 so i will have stable job. I plan on having at least 4 kids, i loved growing up in a big family and would love to giev that to my kids. Not really sure on what guy i want to marry,but as long as his reiligous views are the same as mine i really dont care. I want to travel to a lot of places before settling down, and definatly live in the city after i grow up. I really do't have much plans after that, i hope just happily ever after i guess.

Unknown said...

Well i'd like to graduate and go on to the University of North Texas to get my bachelor's degree in marketing so that i may go on to become a sales rep for my dad's company. I really hope that i will achieve head of sales department. i'm thinking about getting married around 26-28ish. I really hope the person i marry is really awesome and loving for me and my family. I'm not too sure about the whole school board or coaching thing but i will want my child to be active in some sort of activities (haha). so yep those are some of my plans for the future

codyw said...

Upon graduating High School, I plan to attend Oklahoma State University where I will study business and probably major in sports management, which is a business major. After college, I want to establish myself and a career before starting a family. Once married I don't care how many kids I have but at least 2 and I would like to be a younger father so I can enjoy my children longer. I would like to stay in Texas but who knows, and by the time, I reach 60 yrs old I would like to be retired and a full time golfer.

codyw said...

Upon graduating High School, I plan to attend Oklahoma State University where I will study business and probably major in sports management, which is a business major. After college, I want to establish myself and a career before starting a family. Once married I don't care how many kids I have but at least 2 and I would like to be a younger father so I can enjoy my children longer. I would like to stay in Texas but who knows, and by the time, I reach 60 yrs old I would like to be retired and a full time golfer.

ashmitch said...

After high school, I am going to Southeastern University, a private Christian college in Lakeland Florida. My original plans were to go to SEU for only two years but after I visited the campus, I realized I won't want to leave after only two years. It is so beautiful there. Since SEU doesn't have my original major, I am considering other possibilities. I think I might major in either journalism or education(I want to be a first grade teacher). I've always seen myself meeting a man in college that I will be with forever; however, I know life isn't that easy. I don't know exactly how it will all happen, but I do know I want to be married with two, maybe three, children. Also, I want to adopt one kid. I think asian kids are really cute and I think adopting is a nice thing to do. I imagine myself happily married with two kids, working for a magazine( or school or design firm).