Thursday, March 13, 2008

Psychology in the Movies and TV

In the next few weeks, you will need to find how psychology is incorporated in any movie or TV show. Apply the psychological concepts that we have covered in class. Don't worry if you don't catch everything. Just see what you can find in the movie/show.

Note: Do not use any movie that we have seen in class. Also, once a movie or show has been discussed by someone on the blog, you may not use that same movie or show for your blog entry.

Due: March 30

Monday, February 18, 2008

Deviant Behavior

You have received your assignment in class. Discuss here what happened...remember, no breaking rules, laws, etc! Have fun. This is due on Sunday, March 2nd.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Parenting Styles

Take a look at the notes over parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. Think about a friend, relative, or yourself. Give that person a fictional name, and then discuss the type of parenting style(s) his or her parents use. Give some examples to support your opinion.

This blog will be due on Sunday, February 3rd.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Expectations about the future

Imagine what your future will be like. Will you get married? When? Give a specific age. To what kind of person will you get married? Will you have children? A career? What will your career be? How far will you advance in your career? What will you be known for? Will you coach your child's soccer team? Run for the school board? Be a socialite? Talk about your hopes about the future.

The last day to post will be on Sunday, January 20th.